Chapter 2
Connecting the dots between pronunciation research and practice
The (non)interaction of research and practice is a common issue in language teaching circles. The
disconnect is perhaps nowhere more evident than in teaching and researching L2 pronunciation, where teachers lack an
understanding of key concerns that drive pronunciation research and are often inadequately trained to teach
pronunciation. This chapter explores influential pronunciation research that is explicitly focused toward pedagogy and
encourages non-researching teachers to understand what they can expect from research studies. It will also encourage
them to consider how some of the important questions in pronunciation research are intensely practical. Likewise, the
chapter suggests what researchers can do to make pedagogical connections of their studies clearer and provides reasons
why researchers should pay closer attention to pedagogy.
Article outline
- Background
- Ongoing concerns about pedagogical implications
- Why researchers and teachers have trouble
- Connection 1.Research ⟶ Teaching
- Connection 2.Teaching ⟶ Research
- Connection 3.Research ⟷ Teaching
- Other differences between teachers and researchers
- Where research can inform teaching
- General concepts and findings
- Effectiveness of techniques and approaches
- Knowledge of how learning occurs
- What teachers would find helpful
- What researchers would find helpful
- Conclusion
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