Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics, 1800–1925
General Editor
Publishing status: Inactive
Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics has been established to provide the student of language sciences with significant original sources constituting the ‘capital of ideas’ on which modern linguists have built. The series offers new editions of important – though nowadays often inaccessible – 19th and early 20th century works, together with introductions by present-day specialists in the field in which these studies are placed within their historical context and their relevance for contemporary linguistic pursuits is shown.
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Rasmus Rask (1787–1832)
2013. *lv , xii, 289 pp.
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Otto Jespersen (1860–1943)
1993. xviii, 382 pp. (printed 2-up)
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Wilhelm Scherer (1841–1886)
1995. lxii, 492 pp.
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Sámuel Gyarmathi (1751–1830)
1983. xl, 327 pp.
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Henri Weil (1818–1909)
1978. xxxix, 114 pp.
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Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747–1813)
1978. li, xvi, 457 (= together 524) pp.
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Adolf Holtzmann (1810–1870)
1977. xxix, 48, and 81 pp.
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Mikołaj Kruszewski (1851–1887)
1995. xl, 188 pp.
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August Friedrich Pott (1802–87)
1974. xlvi, 502 pp. Small-4to.
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Essay(s) by Georg Curtius (1820–85), Berthold Delbrück (1842–1922), Karl Brugmann (1849–1919), Hugo Schuchardt (1842–1927), Hermann Collitz (1855–1945), Hermann Osthoff (1847–1909) and Otto Jespersen (1860–1943)
1977. 587 pp.
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Berthold Delbrück (1842–1922)
1974. xix, 148 pp. 2nd corrected edition, 1989.
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Victor Hehn (1813–1890)
1976. lxxv, 523 pp.
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With an introduction by J. Peter Maher
1983. xlvi, 84, 78 pp. (altog. 210 pp.).
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Richard Lepsius (1810–1884)
1981. x, 99, xvii, 336 pp.
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August Schleicher (1821–1868)
1983. lxii, viii, 270, 4 pp (altog. 344 pp).
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Franz Bopp (1791–1867)
1974. xxxviii, 68 pp. 2nd corrected edition, 1989
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Rasmus Rask (1787–1832)
1976. lx, viii, 273 pp.
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Friedrich Schlegel (1772–1829)
1977. lvii, 172 + 22pp. (i.e., 2pp.of orig.txt reprod.)
Advisory Editorial Board