Searching for the sociolinguistic history of Afro-Panamanian
Congo speech
Among the surviving Afro-Hispanic linguistic
manifestations, one of the most difficult to trace historically is
the speech of the Congos of Panama’s Caribbean
coast, who maintain a series of folkloric manifestations occurring
during Carnival season that includes a special language. According
to oral tradition, Congo speech was devised among
captive and maroon Africans in colonial Panama as a means of hiding
their speech from their colonial masters. Putting together the
contemporary variation in Congo speech and what
diachronic developments can be extrapolated, a complex picture
emerges that cannot be easily resolved with the notion that this
dialect developed exclusively as a cryptolect in contact with
Spanish colonists. The present study offers a plausible scenario,
based on synchronic variation and available historical
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Afro-Panamanian Congo speech and culture
- 3.When and where did Congo language first
- 4.To what extent does Congo language reflect
earlier Afro-Hispanic pidginized speech?
- 5.To what extent was – and is – Congo language
used for effective communication?
- 6.Conclusions: In search of the Congo
sociolinguistic trajectory
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Cited by one other publication
Lipski, John
La historia (socio)lingüística del habla "congo" afropanameña: una primera aproximación.
Revista de Historia de la Lengua Española :17
► pp. 145 ff.
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