The Postmodern Brain

ISBN 9789027251213 (Eur) | EUR 68.00
ISBN 9781556191817 (USA) | USD 102.00
ISBN 9789027283610 | EUR 68.00 | USD 102.00
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This interdisciplinary work discloses an unexpected coherence between recent concepts in brain science and postmodern thought. A nonlinear dynamical model of brain states is viewed as an autopoietic, autorhoetic, self-organizing, self-tuning eruption under multiple constraints and guided by an overarching optimization principle which insures conservation of invariances and enhancement of symmetries. The nonlinear dynamical brain as developed shows quantum nonlocality, undergoes chaotic regimes, and does not compute. Heidegger and Derrida are ‘appropriated’ as dynamical theorists who are concerned respectively with the movement of time and being (Ereignis) and text (Différance). The chasm between postmodern thought and the thoroughly metaphysical theory that the brain computes is breached, once the nonlinear dynamical framework is adopted. The book is written in a postmodern style, making playful, opportunistic use of marginalia and dreams, and presenting a nonserial surface of broken complexity. (Series A)
[Advances in Consciousness Research, 1] 1995.  xii, 188 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2011
Table of Contents
Cited by (23)

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Consciousness Research

Consciousness research



Main BIC Subject

JMT: States of consciousness

Main BISAC Subject

PSY020000: PSYCHOLOGY / Neuropsychology
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  94025296 | Marc record