Language Structure, Discourse and the Access to Consciousness
The focus of this collective volume is on the mutual determination of language structure, discourse patterns and the accessibility to consciousness of mental contents of different types of organization and complexity. The contributions address the following problems, among others: the history of the interpretation of ‘conscious’ and ‘unconscious’ mind in the theoretical discourse of modern linguistics; the determination of the structure of consciousness by the grammatical structure; the levels of access of grammatical and lexical information to consciousness; the development of cognitive complexity and control in ontogeny; pathologies of consciousness access in discourse comprehension and production; the cognitive contextual prerequisites for the representation of meaning in consciousness; the relationships between language structure and qualia in the phenomenology of experience; the dialogical structure of intentionality and meaning representation, etc. (Series B)
[Advances in Consciousness Research, 12] 1997. xii, 364 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 2 May 2011
Published online on 2 May 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
List of Contributors | pp. ix–x
Acknowledgements | pp. xi–xii
Introduction | pp. 1–8
The Conscious and Unconscious Mind’ in the theoretical Discourse of Modern LinguisticsRobert de Beaugrande | p. 9
Consciousness, Construal, and SubjectivityRonald W. Langacker | p. 49
Language in Time: Lexical and structural ambiguity resolutionDieter Hillert | p. 77
Cognitive Complexity and Control: A theory of the development of deliberate reasoning and intentional actionPhilip D. Zelazo and Douglas Frye | p. 113
Discourse in Dementia: Consideration of consciousnessSandra B. Chapman and Hanna K. Ulatowska | p. 155
Cognitive Context Models and DiscourseTeun A. van Dijk | p. 189
Language and an Epistemology of DialogismIvana Marková | p. 227
Adverbial Theories of ConsciousnessPanayot Butchvarov | p. 251
Grammar, Meaning and Consciousness: What sentence structure can tell us about the structure of consciousnessMaxim I. Stamenov | p. 277
Author Index | pp. 343–350
Subject Index | pp. 351–364
Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Stamenov, Maxim I.
Stamenov, Maxim I. & Elena Andonova
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Consciousness Research
Main BIC Subject
JM: Psychology
Main BISAC Subject
PSY000000: PSYCHOLOGY / General