The Primacy of Movement
This title has been replaced by:
The Primacy of Movement: Expanded second edition , Maxine Sheets-Johnstone (2011)
The Primacy of Movement: Expanded second edition , Maxine Sheets-Johnstone (2011)
Paperback – Replaced by new edition
ISBN 9789027251343 (Eur)
ISBN 9781556191947 (USA)
e-Book – Replaced by new edition
ISBN 9789027299987
Through diligent and rigorous attention to both natural history and phenomenological accounts of kinetic phenomena, particularly the phenomenon of self-movement, this richly interdisciplinary book brings to the fore the long-neglected topic of animate form and with it, a long-neglected inquiry into the significance of animation. It addresses methodological and foundational issues at length. In its detailed and extensive examinations and analyses of movement — which range from Aristotle’s recognition of motion as the principle of nature to a critique of the common notion of movement as change of position, from critiques of present-day materialists’ trivializations of movement as mere output to kinesthetically-tethered accounts of the qualia of movement, from expositions of an evolutionary semantics and of the tactile-kinesthetic body as generative source of corporeal concepts to expositions of thinking in movement and of the pan-human phenomenon of learning to move oneself — this book lays out in ground-breaking ways fundamental epistemological and metaphysical dimensions of animate life. (Series A)
[Advances in Consciousness Research, 14] 1999. xxxiv, 583 pp.
Publishing status: Obsolete
Published online on 21 October 2008
Published online on 21 October 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments | pp. xiii–xiv
Introduction | pp. xv–xxxii
Notes | pp. xxxiii–xxxiv
Section I: Foundations
1. Neandertals | pp. 3–40
2. Part I Consciousness: A Natural History | pp. 41–88
2. Part II Consciousness: An Aristotelian Account | pp. 89–130
3. The Primacy of Movement | pp. 131–176
Section II: Methodology
4. Husserl and Von Hemholtz — and the Possibility of a Trans-Disciplinary Communal Task | pp. 179–222
5. On Learning to Move Oneself: A Constructive Phenomenology | pp. 223–272
6. Merleau-Ponty: A Man in Search of a Method | pp. 273–320
7. Does Philosophy Begin (and End) in Wonder? or What Is the Nature of a Philosophic Act? A Methodological Postscript | pp. 321–342
Section III: Applications
8. On the Significance of Animate Form | pp. 345–370
9. Human Speech Perception and an Evolutionary Semantics | pp. 371–400
10. Why a Mind Is Not a Brain and a Brain Is Not a Body | pp. 401–450
11. What Is It Like to Be a Brain? | pp. 451–482
12. Thinking in Movement | pp. 483–518
Index of Subjects | pp. 549–576
Index of Names | pp. 577–583
“The Primacy of Movement is a thought provoking book that is highly recommended to anybody interested in "the corporeal turn." It contains a whole range of fascinating analyses of bodily movement. One of its great strenghts is Sheets-Johnstone's familiarity with natural science. In her exploration of the body, Sheets-Johnstone has certainly not remained in the armchair and she provides the reader with intriguing information, much of which should be novel to the average phenomenologist. By arguing to the current discussion concerning the possibility of reconciling phenomenology and the project of naturalization.”
Dan Zahavi, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, in Huuserl Studies Vol. 20-2004
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Knoblauch, Steven H.
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Hervey, Lenore Wadsworth
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Mitchell, Robert W.
Nehaniv, Chrystopher L. & Kerstin Dautenhahn
Snowber, Celeste N.
Sutton, John
Ellis, Ralph D.
Lindblom, Jessica & Tom Ziemke
Lloyd, Rebecca J. & Stephen J. Smith
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Stern, Daniel N.
Koff, Susan R.
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Morris, David
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Morris, David
Stanghellini, G.
Thompson, Evan
van der Watt, Liese
Whitaker, Pamela
Cancienne, Mary Beth & Celeste N. Snowber
Zahavi, Dan
Zahavi, Dan
Crease, Robert P.
Crease, Robert P.
Haney, Kathleen
Parviainen, Jaana
Parviainen, Jaana
Parviainen, Jaana
Parviainen, Jaana
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine
Engel, Lis
Engel, Lis
Tolbert, Elizabeth
Ascoli, Giorgio A.
Fraleigh, Sondra
Kretchmar, R. Scott
Sheet-Johnstone, Maxine
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Consciousness Research
Main BIC Subject
HP: Philosophy
Main BISAC Subject
PHI000000: PHILOSOPHY / General