The Development of Implicit and Explicit Memory

 | The University of Otago
 | The University of Otago
ISBN 9789027251442 (Eur) | EUR 72.00
ISBN 9781556197246 (USA) | USD 108.00
ISBN 9789027299901 | EUR 72.00 | USD 108.00
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This is the only book that examines the theory and data on the development of implicit and explicit memory. It first describes the characteristics of implicit and explicit memory (including conscious recollection) and tasks used with adults to measure them. Next, it reviews the brain mechanisms thought to underlie implicit and explicit memory and the studies with amnesics that initially prompted the search for different neuroanatomically-based memory systems. Two chapters review the Jacksonian (first in, last out) principle and empirical evidence for the hierarchical appearance and dissolution of two memory systems in animal models (rats, nonhuman primates), children, and normal/amnesic adults. Two chapters examine memory tasks used with human infants and evidence of implicit and explicit memory during early infancy. Three final chapters consider structural and processing accounts of adult memory dissociations, their applicability to infant memory dissociations, and implications of infant data for current concepts of implicit and explicit memory. (Series B)
[Advances in Consciousness Research, 24] 2000.  x, 322 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Table of Contents
“In this brilliant and iconoclastic work, the authors draw on their extensive and original studies of human infant learning to demonstrate the flaws of overgeneralization. Their critical synthesis and review of experiments on animals and humans, adult and infant, yields important and original insights that are likely to change our conception of the development of the human mind.”
“This book is an outstanding resource for researchers and for advanced undergraduate and graduate seminars and tutorials, not only in developmental psychology but in cognition and neuroscience as well. It will prompt lively discussions and better research.”
“This is an important read both for those interested primarily in memory and for those interested primarily in cognitive development. The authors provide two key lessons: first, that basic cognitive machinery may not develop at all; and second, that a rigorous understanding of processing mechanisms will occupy a central role in any adequate theory of cognitive development.”
“The volume stands alone as the definitive treatment of the development of infant memory.”
“Rovee-Collier, Hayne, and Colombo provide not only a concise review of the literature examining these issues, but more importantly, offer a refreshing and long-awaited synthesis of the data derived from rats, nonhuman primates, and human infants. This book will undoubtedly prove to be a tremendously valuable resource to developmental psychologists, learning theorists, and behavioral neuroscientists alike.”
“This review of the basis for considering multiple memory systems in humans, infants or adults, is accomplished with objectivity and is not a mere rehashing of the party line on this issue.”
“This is one of the most important and provocative books to appear in the field of infant memory development in the past decade.”
“The authors conclude that essentially, all models fail to explain the memorial abilities of infants. However, the authors acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each model, hoping that future research will follow up by improving on current theory. [...] The authors issue a noble call for the psychologists to reconsider their current ways of thinking about the nature of memory. Thanks to the comprehensive and incisive analysis in this text, it will be much easier fo ambitious researchers to answer this call.”
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Consciousness Research

Consciousness research

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JMT: States of consciousness

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