Consciousness Recovered

Psychological functions and origins of conscious thought

ISBN 9789027251602 (Eur) | EUR 68.00
ISBN 9781588111876 (USA) | USD 102.00
ISBN 9789027297860 | EUR 68.00 | USD 102.00
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ISBN 9780585461861
This integrated approach to the psychology of consciousness arises out of Mandler’s 1975 paper that was seminal in starting the current flood of interest in consciousness. The book starts with this paper, followed by a novel psychological/evolutionary theoretical discussion of consciousness, and then a historically oriented presentation of relevant functions of consciousness, from memory to attention to emotion, drawing in part on Mandler’s publications between 1975 and 2000.

The manuscript is controversial; it is outspoken and often judgmental. The book does not address speculations about the neurophysiological/brain bases of consciousness, arguing that these are premature, and it is highly critical of philosophical speculations, often ungrounded in any empirical observations. In short it is a psychological approach — pure and simple.

[Advances in Consciousness Research, 40] 2002.  xii, 142 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 January 2003
Table of Contents
Cited by (19)

Cited by 19 other publications

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2022. The integrated information theory of consciousness: Unmasked and identified. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45 DOI logo
Trautteur, Giuseppe
2016. Consciousness, illusory freedom, double feel. PARADIGMI :3  pp. 11 ff. DOI logo
Pillow, Bradford H. & RaeAnne M. Pearson
2015. Children’s and adults’ judgments of the controllability of cognitive activities. Metacognition and Learning 10:2  pp. 231 ff. DOI logo
Truscott, John
2015. Consciousness in SLA: A modular perspective. Second Language Research 31:3  pp. 413 ff. DOI logo
Masters, Rich
2012. Conscious and Unconscious Awareness in Learning and Performance. In The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Performance Psychology,  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
Pillow, Bradford H.
2012. Learning About Cognitive Activities. In Children’s Discovery of the Active Mind [SpringerBriefs in Psychology, ],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Pillow, Bradford H.
2012. Phenomenological Awareness: Consciousness and the Development of Cognitive Monitoring. In Children’s Discovery of the Active Mind [SpringerBriefs in Psychology, ],  pp. 45 ff. DOI logo
Pillow, Bradford H.
2012. Patterns of Influence Among Phenomenological Awareness, Social Experience and Conceptual Knowledge. In Children’s Discovery of the Active Mind [SpringerBriefs in Psychology, ],  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Mudrik, Liad, Assaf Breska, Dominique Lamy & Leon Y. Deouell
2011. Integration Without Awareness. Psychological Science 22:6  pp. 764 ff. DOI logo
Peters, Frederic
2010. Consciousness as recursive, spatiotemporal self-location. Psychological Research PRPF 74:4  pp. 407 ff. DOI logo
Koch, Christof & Grzegorz Hess
2008. Neurobiologia na tropie świadomości, DOI logo
Stamenov, Maxim I.
2007. Attention and language. In Handbook of Pragmatics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Barrett, Lisa Feldman
2006. Solving the Emotion Paradox: Categorization and the Experience of Emotion. Personality and Social Psychology Review 10:1  pp. 20 ff. DOI logo
Koriat, Asher, Hilit Ma'ayan & Ravit Nussinson
2006. The intricate relationships between monitoring and control in metacognition: Lessons for the cause-and-effect relation between subjective experience and behavior.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 135:1  pp. 36 ff. DOI logo
Haider, Hilde & Peter A. Frensch
2005. The generation of conscious awareness in an incidental learning situation. Psychological Research Psychologische Forschung 69:5-6  pp. 399 ff. DOI logo
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2009. Conflicts between expected and actually performed behavior lead to verbal report of incidentally acquired sequential knowledge. Psychological Research Psychologische Forschung 73:6  pp. 817 ff. DOI logo
Mandler, George
2005. The consciousness continuum: from “qualia” to “free will”. Psychological Research Psychologische Forschung 69:5-6  pp. 330 ff. DOI logo
Decety, Jean & Philip L. Jackson
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2016. References. In Interventions for Autism,  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo

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Consciousness Research

Consciousness research



Main BIC Subject

JMT: States of consciousness

Main BISAC Subject

PSY020000: PSYCHOLOGY / Neuropsychology
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2002016315 | Marc record