Exploring Inner Experience

The descriptive experience sampling method

ISBN 9789027252005 | EUR 105.00 | USD 158.00
ISBN 9789027293879 | EUR 105.00 | USD 158.00
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Written for the psychologist, philosopher, and layperson interested in consciousness, Exploring Inner Experience provides a comprehensive introduction to the Descriptive Experience Sampling (DES) method for obtaining accurate reports of inner experience. DES uses a beeper to cue participants to pay attention to their experience at precisely defined moments; participants are then interviewed to obtain high-fidelity accounts of their experience at those moments. Exploring Inner Experience shows (a) how DES uncovers previously unknown details of inner experience; (b) how the implications of this method affect our understanding of inner experience and the human condition more generally; (c) how DES avoids the traps that destroyed the introspections of the previous century; (d) why DES reports of inner experience should be considered reliable and valid; and (e) how to use the DES method. This book will be basic reading for all psychologists, philosophers, and students interested in consciousness, as well as anyone who is seriously concerned with understanding the human condition.(Series B)
[Advances in Consciousness Research, 64] 2006.  xii, 276 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2008
Table of Contents
“The authors' overexuberance notwithstanding their description of the DES technique is compelling, and their dedication, enthusiasm, and experience are beyond doubt. One of the book's central aims is to encourage further use of DES, and despite my concerns about the technique and the ease of implementation, I am inspired to try the technique out during my own research. I am optimistic it will reveal new and surprising information that I look forward to sharing with the authors.”
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2016. Exploring the Ecological Validity of Thinking on Demand: Neural Correlates of Elicited vs. Spontaneously Occurring Inner Speech. PLOS ONE 11:2  pp. e0147932 ff. DOI logo
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Vicente, Agustín & Fernando Martínez-Manrique
2016. The nature of unsymbolized thinking. Philosophical Explorations 19:2  pp. 173 ff. DOI logo
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2017. Can Inner Experience Be Apprehended in High Fidelity? Examining Brain Activation and Experience from Multiple Perspectives. Frontiers in Psychology 8 DOI logo
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Kühn, Simone, Charles Fernyhough, Benjamin Alderson-Day & Russell T. Hurlburt
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2013. We Are Not All ‘Self‐Blind’: A Defense of a Modest Introspectionism. Mind & Language 28:3  pp. 259 ff. DOI logo
Fisher, Cynthia D. & March L. To
2012. Using experience sampling methodology in organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior 33:7  pp. 865 ff. DOI logo
Heavey, Christopher L., Russell T. Hurlburt & Noelle L. Lefforge
2010. Descriptive Experience Sampling: A Method for Exploring Momentary Inner Experience. Qualitative Research in Psychology 7:4  pp. 345 ff. DOI logo
Wooffitt, Robin & Nicola Holt
2010. Silence and its organization in the pragmatics of introspection. Discourse Studies 12:3  pp. 379 ff. DOI logo
Wooffitt, Robin, Nicola Holt & Simon Allistone
2010. Introspection as Institutional Practice: Reflections on the Attempt to Capture Conscious Experience in a Parapsychology Experiment. Qualitative Research in Psychology 7:1  pp. 5 ff. DOI logo
Carruthers, Peter
2009. Mindreading underlies metacognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32:2  pp. 164 ff. DOI logo
Fernyhough, Charles
2009. What can we say about the inner experience of the young child?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32:2  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Hurlburt, Russell T.
2009. Unsymbolized thinking, sensory awareness, and mindreading. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32:2  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
Hurlburt, Russell T.
2017. Descriptive Experience Sampling. In The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness,  pp. 740 ff. DOI logo
Deterding, Sebastian
2008. Introspektion Begriffe, Verfahren und Einwände in Psychologie und Kognitionswissenschaft. In Phänomenologie und Soziologie,  pp. 327 ff. DOI logo
Hurlburt, Russell T. & Sarah A. Akhter
2006. The Descriptive Experience Sampling method. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 5:3-4  pp. 271 ff. DOI logo
Robbins, Philip
2006. The Ins and Outs of Introspection. Philosophy Compass 1:6  pp. 617 ff. DOI logo

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Consciousness Research

Consciousness research

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JMT: States of consciousness

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PSY020000: PSYCHOLOGY / Neuropsychology
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