Review published In:
Literacies: Tertiary contexts
Compiled and edited by Zosia Golebiowski
[Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 25:2] 2002
► pp. 129138
References (35)
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Electronic resources
"Corpora" mailing list: subscribe at [email protected] with the message subscribe corpora
ICAME (International Computer Archive of Modern English). Contact at [URL]
Chapters from TLC referenced in review
Dodd, B. Exploiting a corpus of written German for advanced language learning (pp. 131–145). DOI logo
Gavioli, L. Exploiting texts through the concordancer: guiding the learner (pp. 83–99). DOI logo
Inkster, G. First catch your corpus: building a French undergraduate corpus from readily available textual resources (pp. 267–276). DOI logo
Jackson, H. Corpus and concordance: finding out about style (pp. 224–239). DOI logo
Johns, T. Contexts: the background, development and trialling of a concordance-based CALL program (pp. 100–115). DOI logo
Jones, R. L. Creating and using a corpus of spoken German (pp. 146–156). DOI logo
Kettermann, B. Using a corpus to evaluate theories of child language acquisition (pp. 186–194). DOI logo
Knowles, G. Using corpora for the diachronic study of English (pp. 195–210). DOI logo
Leech, G. Teaching and language corpora: a convergence (pp. 1–23). DOI logo
Louw, B. The role of corpora in critical literary appreciation (pp. 240–251). DOI logo
Minugh, D. All the language that’s fit to print: using British and American CD-ROMs as corpora (pp. 67–82). DOI logo
Peters, P. Micro- and macrolinguisties for Natural Language Processing (pp. 175–185). DOI logo
Renouf, A. Teaching corpus linguistics to teachers of English (pp. 255–266). DOI logo
Sinclair, J. M. Corpus evidence in language description (pp. 27–39). DOI logo
Wichmann, A. The use of annotated speech corpora in the teaching of prosody (pp. 211–223). DOI logo
Wilson, E. The automatic generation of CALL exercises from general corpora (pp. 116–130) DOI logo