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Language and Education ► pp. 1 ff.
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Navigating datascapes: mapping testing practices within and across national and global contexts.
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Steele, Carly, Graeme Gower & Tetiana Bogachenko
Creating and enacting culturally responsive assessment for First Nations students in higher education settings.
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‘The economic world of choice’: mainstreaming discourses and Indigenous bilingual education in Australia 1998–99.
Critical Discourse Studies 21:1
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Bell, Megan F., Leonie Segal, Susan Dennison, Stuart A. Kinner, Sharon Dawe, Matthew J. Spittal & David B. Preen
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Murphy, Annemarie, Benjamin Bailey & Joanne Arciuli
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Steele, Carly, Sender Dovchin & Rhonda Oliver
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De Backer, Fauve, Wendelien Vantieghem, Koen Van Gorp, Stef Slembrouck & Piet Van Avermaet
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Fletcher, Anna
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Mantei, Jessica & Lisa Kervin
Examining children’s interpretations of teacher expectations in the literacy classroom.
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Pammer, Kristen, Melissa Freire, Cassandra Gauld & Nathan Towney
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Guenther, John & Samuel Osborne
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Macqueen, Susy, Ute Knoch, Gillian Wigglesworth, Rachel Nordlinger, Ruth Singer, Tim McNamara & Rhianna Brickle
The impact of national standardized literacy and numeracy testing on children and teaching staff in remote Australian Indigenous communities.
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► pp. 66 ff.
Carter, Don, Jacqueline Manuel & Janet Dutton
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Heugh, Kathleen, Cas Prinsloo, Matthews Makgamatha, Gerda Diedericks & Lolita Winnaar
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► pp. 197 ff.
Spillman, David
A Share in the Future . . . Only for Those Who Become Like ‘Us’!: Challenging the ‘Standardisation’ Reform Approach to Indigenous Education in the Northern Territory.
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 46:2
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Bianco, Joseph Lo & Yvette Slaughter
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Journal of Education Policy 31:3
► pp. 275 ff.
Creagh, Susan
‘Language Background Other Than English’: a problem NAPLaN test category for Australian students of refugee background.
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► pp. 252 ff.
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Kral, Inge & R. G. Schwab
A space to learn: A community-based approach to meaningful adult learning and literacy in remote Indigenous Australia.
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Oliver, Rhonda, Honglin Chen & Stephen Moore
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Effective literacy teaching for Indigenous students: Principles from evidence-based practices.
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► pp. 54 ff.
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Indigenous Language Speaking Students Learning Mathematics in English: Expectations of and for Teachers.
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► pp. 48 ff.
Godinho, Sally Caroline, Marilyn Woolley, Jessie Webb & Kenneth Daniel Winkel
Sharing Place, Learning Together: Perspectives and Reflections on an Educational Partnership Formation With a Remote Indigenous Community School.
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 44:1
► pp. 11 ff.
Hempenstall, Kerry
Spelling Mastery and Spelling through Morphographs: Direct Instruction programs for beginning and low-progress spellers.
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 20:1
► pp. 55 ff.
Nguyen, Bich, Rhonda Oliver & Judith Rochecouste
Embracing plurality through oral language.
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► pp. 97 ff.
Shohamy, Elana & Kate Menken
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Solano-Flores, Guillermo, Eduardo Backhoff, Luis A. Contreras-Niño & Mariana Vázquez-Muñoz
Language Shift and the Inclusion of Indigenous Populations in Large-Scale Assessment Programs.
International Journal of Testing 15:2
► pp. 136 ff.
Brown, Natalie & Kim Beswick
Policy and Curriculum Research in the Context of Change. In
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► pp. 3 ff.
Dixon, Sally & Denise Angelo
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Are We Making Education Count in Remote Australian Communities or Just Counting Education?.
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► pp. 157 ff.
Menken, Kate
Emergent bilingual students in secondary school: Along the academic language and literacy continuum.
Language Teaching 46:4
► pp. 438 ff.
Osborne, Sam
Learning Versus Education: Rethinking Learning in Anangu Schools.
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 42:2
► pp. 171 ff.
Sellwood, Juanita & Denise Angelo
Thompson, Greg & Allen G. Harbaugh
A preliminary analysis of teacher perceptions of the effects of NAPLAN on pedagogy and curriculum.
The Australian Educational Researcher 40:3
► pp. 299 ff.
Wigglesworth, Gillian & Rosey Billington
Wigglesworth, Gillian, Rosey Billington & Deborah Loakes
Creole Speakers and Standard Language Education.
Language and Linguistics Compass 7:7
► pp. 388 ff.
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References. In
Remote Avant-Garde,
► pp. 235 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 31 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.