Administering a performance test in Fiji Hindi
As part of a research study on language maintenance and shift in the Indo-Fijian community in Wellington, New Zealand, a performance test was developed to assess the speaking and listening skills in Fiji Hindi of a sample of the Indo-Fijian teenagers. The design of the test needed to take account of the fact that Fiji Hindi is a preliterate vernacular language with no role in education and an ambivalent status within its own speech community. The test consisted of three main parts: a naturalistic conversation, two structured speaking tasks and a structured listening task. This paper focuses on some facets of the test administration, including the decision to administer it in the test-takers’ homes; the influence of various personal attributes of the interviewer; the ways of dealing with the lack of a script for Fiji Hindi; and the issue of live versus tape-based assessment of the test-takers’ performance. Both the test-takers and an independent rater provided feedback on the test that was generally very positive. The paper concludes with a discussion of various factors that may have influenced the reliability and validity of this somewhat unconventional language test.
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Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Loakes, Deborah, Karin Moses, Jane Simpson & Gillian Wigglesworth
Developing Tests for the Assessment of Traditional Language Skill: A Case Study in an Indigenous Australian Community.
Language Assessment Quarterly 9:4
► pp. 311 ff.

Lotherington, Heather
Bilingual Education. In
The Handbook of Applied Linguistics,
► pp. 695 ff.

Shameem, Nikhat
Validating self-reported language proficiency by testing performance in an immigrant community: the Wellington Indo-Fijians.
Language Testing 15:1
► pp. 86 ff.

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