Article published In:
Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 6
Edited by Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez
[Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 6] 2008
► pp. 168184
Cited by (69)

Cited by 69 other publications

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2016. A Cross-Linguistic Study of Conceptual Metaphors in Financial Discourse. In Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2016 [Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics, ],  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
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2016. Formalizing contemporary conceptual metaphor theory. Constructions and Frames 8:2  pp. 166 ff. DOI logo
Llácer Llorca, Eusebio V.
2015. The Foundations of Cognitive Linguistics. European Journal of Applied Linguistics 3:2  pp. 319 ff. DOI logo
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Reali, Florencia & Catalina Arciniegas
2015. Metaphorical conceptualization of emotion in Spanish. Metaphor and the Social World 5:1  pp. 20 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Roberta Trites: Literary Conceptualizations of Growth. Metaphors and Cognition in Adolescent Literature. Cognitive Semiotics 8:1 DOI logo
Dr Tanweer Ali & Pühringer, Stephan
2015. Markets as “ultimate judges” of economic policies: Angela Merkel’s discourse profile during the economic crisis and the European crisis policies. On the Horizon 23:3  pp. 246 ff. DOI logo
Stadelbacher, Stephanie
2014. Vom ‚Reisen‘ und ‚friedlichen‘ Sterben – Die wirklichkeitskonstitutive Macht von Metaphern am Beispiel der Hospizbewegung. In Methoden der Metaphernforschung und -analyse,  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Hajibayova, Lala
2013. Basic-level categories: A review. Journal of Information Science 39:5  pp. 676 ff. DOI logo
Larsson, Stefan
2013. Copy Me Happy: The Metaphoric Expansion of Copyright in a Digital Society. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique 26:3  pp. 615 ff. DOI logo
Larsson, Stefan
2014. Karl Renner and (Intellectual) Property—How Cognitive Theory Can Enrich a Sociolegal Analysis of Contemporary Copyright. Law & Society Review 48:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Larsson, Stefan
2014. Justice ‘Under’ Law: The Bodily Incarnation of Legal Conceptions Over Time. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique 27:4  pp. 613 ff. DOI logo
Martin, Paul C.
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2013. “Give Us Back Sweden!” A Feminist Reading of the (Re)Interpretations of theFolkhemConceptual Metaphor in Swedish Radical Right Populist Discourse. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 21:1  pp. 4 ff. DOI logo
Gibbs, Raymond W.
2011. Evaluating Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Discourse Processes 48:8  pp. 529 ff. DOI logo
Simó, Judit
2011. Metaphors of blood in American English and Hungarian: A cross-linguistic corpus investigation. Journal of Pragmatics 43:12  pp. 2897 ff. DOI logo
Kövecses, Zoltán
2010. A new look at metaphorical creativity in cognitive linguistics. cogl 21:4  pp. 663 ff. DOI logo
Kövecses, Zoltán
2015. Metaphor and Emergentism. In The Handbook of Language Emergence,  pp. 147 ff. DOI logo
Oster, Ulrike
2010. Using corpus methodology for semantic and pragmatic analyses: What can corpora tell us about the linguistic expression of emotions?. cogl 21:4  pp. 727 ff. DOI logo
Sanchís, Enrique Bernárdez
2010. Simile: Its Use and Function in Musil's <i>Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften</i>. Cognitive Semiotics 10:6  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Amernic, Joel & Russell Craig
2009. Understanding accounting through conceptual metaphor: ACCOUNTING IS AN INSTRUMENT?. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 20:8  pp. 875 ff. DOI logo
Górska, Elżbieta
2009. On the Diversity of Linguistic Evidence for Conceptual Metaphor. STAP 45:2  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo

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