Non-degree equatives and reanalysis
A case study of doubling patterns in German and Hungarian
The article examines reanalysis processes underlying doubling patterns in non-degree equatives in German and Hungarian. In
German, the combination als wie (lit. ‘as how’) is attested historically and in certain present-day dialects.
Traditionally, it is assumed to be a mixed pattern involving the earlier canonical equative complementiser
als and the later canonical equative complementiser wie; however, more recent proposals
suggest that als was in fact reanalysed from the matrix clause. While matrix equative markers and equative
complementisers are surface-similar in German historically, these elements are distinct in Hungarian throughout its history.
Based on the results of a corpus study on Old Hungarian, the paper argues that reanalysis from the matrix clause is indeed
possible and starts in non-degree equatives.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The syntax of equatives
- 3.Equatives in German
- 4.Equatives in Old Hungarian
- 5.Conclusion
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