Linguistics in the Netherlands 1991

ISBN 9789027231512 (Eur) | EUR 68.00
ISBN 9781556192159 (USA) | USD 102.00
| EUR 0.00
This volume contains a selection of the papers presented at the twenty-second annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of the Netherlands. The aim of the annual meeting is to provide members of the society with an opportunity to report on their work in progress. The seventeen papers in this volume present an overview of research in different fields of linguistics in the Netherlands. It contains articles on phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and text linguistics. Contents Ronny Boogaart: “Progressive Aspect” in Dutch Marja Clement: Present — Preterite: Tense and Narrative Point of View Leonie Cornips: Possessive Object Constructions in Heerlens Marcel den Dikken: Serial Verbs, “Object Sharing”, and the Analysis of Dative Shift Petra Hendriks: The Coordination-like Structure of Comparatives Ben Hermans: Eliminating Destressing Rules Vincent van Heuven & Annelies Hoos: Hiatus Deletion, Phonological Rule or Phonetic Coarticulation? Angeliek van Hout: Deverbal Nominalization, Object versus Event Denoting Nominals Riny Huybregts: Allosteric Agreement in VSO Languages Haike Jacobs: Old French Proclisis and Enclisis: The Clitic Group or the Prosodic Word? Willy Jongenburger & Vincent van Heuven: The Distribution of (Word Initial) Glottal Stop in Dutch Klara Lindhout-Lengyel: The Analysis of Focus in Hungarian Sietze Looyenga: Events and Properties as Semantic Primitives Rint Sybesma: The Dummy DE in Chinese Resultatives Jeroen van de Weijer: Towards a Theory of Phonological Complexity Guido Vanden Wyngaerd & Jan-Wouter Zwart: Reconstruction and Vehicle Change Ron van Zonneveld: The Syntax of Gapping
[Linguistics in the Netherlands, 8] 1991.  x, 171 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 18 February 2013

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Table of Contents
Frank Drijkoningen and Ans M.C. van Kemenade
List of Contributors
"Progressive Aspect" in Dutch
Ronny Boogaart
Present — Preterite: Tense and Narrative Point of View
Marja Clement
Possessive Object Constructions in Heerlens
Leonie Cornips
Serial Verbs, 'Object Sharing', and the Analysis of Dative Shift
Marcel den Dikken
The coordination-like structure of comparatives
Petra Hendriks
Eliminating Destressing Rules
Ben Hermans
Hiatus Deletion, Phonological Rule or Phonetic Coarticulation?
Vincent J. van Heuven and Annelies Hoos
Deverbal Nominalization, Object versus Event Denoting Nominals, Implications for Argument & Event Structure
Angeliek van Hout
Allosteric Agreement in VSO Languages
Riny Huybregts
Old French Proclisis and Enclisis: The Clitic Group or the Prosodic Word?
Haike Jacobs
The Distribution of (Word Initial) Glottal Stop in Dutch
Willy Jongenburger and Vincent J. van Heuven
The Analysis of Focus in Hungarian
Klara Lindhout-Lengyel
Events and Properties as Semantic Primitives
Sietze Looyenga
The Dummy DE in Chinese Resultatives
Rint Sybesma
Towards a Theory of Phonological Complexity
Jeroen van de Weijer
Reconstruction and Vehicle Change
Guido Vanden Wyngaerd and Jan-Wouter Zwart
The Syntax of Gapping
Ron van Zonneveld

Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General