Article published In:
BabelVol. 66:6 (2020) ► pp.950–972
Expertise and resources for interpreter training online
A student survey on pedagogical and technical dimensions of virtual learning environments
The development of online interactive resources for interpreter training has been at the centre of the agenda
in terms of pedagogical assistance and cooperation both for the European Institutions and for their partner universities. Modern
videoconferencing systems and online learning technologies provide an excellent alternative to face-to-face classes, offering solutions to
the problem of trainers’ availability and engaging learners in synchronous and asynchronous task-oriented activities.
In this context, the European Parliament-funded ERITON project was launched in 2014 with the aim of facilitating the
dissemination of best practices and enhancing collaboration between EU and non-EU partner universities in the field of conference
interpreter training. Forming the strategic core of this project was the use of innovative training methodologies, such as virtual classes
and virtual mock-conferences.
This paper presents the pedagogical framework of the VCs and discusses the results of an online survey conducted from 2015
to 2017 among students who actively participated in the virtual classes held within the ERITON project. The aim of the survey was to obtain
anonymous feedback on the technical set-up of the VCs and on the helpfulness of this format in terms of skill acquisition and progress. The
results show that the new medium was well-received and appreciated by respondents, especially since it gave them the possibility to interact
in ways and with people that would otherwise be impossible.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction: Project background
- 2.Theoretical framework
- 3.Methodology
- 4.Results and discussion
- 4.1Outcomes of the survey on Virtual Classes (VCs)
- 4.2Outcomes of the survey on mock conferences
- 4.3Research limitations and implications
- 5.Conclusions and suggestions for future work
- Notes
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