While “turns” in translation studies have long been embracing the theoretical complexity integrated into the
discussion of various translation phenomena, the theorisation of the use of technology and its impact on translation remain
under-represented in scholarly literature of the field (O’Hagan 2016). This article
considers the influence of technology on translation and reflects on the question as to how the interactive relationship between
technology and translation may be theoretically conceptualised. Taking an approach informed by sociological theory, this article
combines critical theory of technology (CTT) and actor-network theory (ANT) to examine the relationship between technology and
translation, as well as the translation players involved. With the advent of Web 2.0, techno-empowered collaborative translation
in the online TED Talks environment using Amara subtitling platform becomes a useful locale for discussion. Through a
participant-observation approach, that is, with the author’s experience in the online translation environment, this article aims
to explore how the technological elements in translation often described as “emergent property from new forms of translation
practice” (Cronin 2010, 1) may offer critical insights from an epistemological
perspective, especially the reciprocity between technology and its users.
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2024. Networking in online collaborative translation. FORUM. Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation 22:1 ► pp. 96 ff.
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2023. A Missing Link?. In Translaboration in Analogue and Digital Practice [Transkulturalität – Translation – Transfer, 57], ► pp. 25 ff.
2023. Reconceptualizing translation and translators in the digital age: YouTube comment translation on China’s Bilibili. Translation Studies 16:2 ► pp. 297 ff.
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