
Volume 46, Issue 4 (2000)

Publishing status: Available
Published online on 12 October 2001
Table of Contents
Needs assessment in translation teaching: Making translator training more responsive to social needs
Defeng Li
(Official) Sworn Translation and Its Functions
Roberto Mayoral Asensio
La España de posguerra y la poesía Anglófona: Traducción y recepción en las revistas Escorial,Espadaña y Cántico
Cristina Blanco Outon
Drama translation strategies: English-Spanish (1950-1990)
Raquel Merino
La vie de la FIT - The life of FIT: Conseil - Council 1999-2002
UNESCO collection of representative works
Marie Claire Vromans
Review of “Übersetzungswissenschaft in Brasilien” by Michaela Wolf
Reviewed by Albert Waldinger
Review of “Elsevier’s dictionary of biology” by R. Tirri, J. Lehtonen, R. Lemmetyinen, S. Pihakaski, R.Portin
Reviewed by John Cairns
Review of “Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English” by Douglas Biber et al.
Reviewed by John D. Gallagher
Kritik über “Strategische Prozesse beim Dolmetschen. Theoretische Grundlagen, empirische Fallstudien, didaktische Konsequenzen” von Sylvia Kalina
Rezensiert von Elzbieta Kazmierczak
Cited by (4)

Cited by four other publications

Mellinger, Christopher D.
2017. Translators and machine translation: knowledge and skills gaps in translator pedagogy. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 11:4  pp. 280 ff. DOI logo
Schnell, Bettina & Nadia Rodríguez
2017. Ivory tower vs. workplace reality. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 11:2-3  pp. 160 ff. DOI logo
Martín Ruano, M. Rosario
2015. (Trans)formative theorising in legal translation and/or interpreting: a critical approach to deontological principles. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 9:2  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
Monzó Nebot, Esther
2015. Understanding legal interpreter and translator training in times of change. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 9:2  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo

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