Article published In:
BabelVol. 61:3 (2015) ► pp.361–380
Translation theory
Myths, prejudices and realities
Translation Studies is an academic discipline that has managed to establish itself as such thanks to the research and theoretical reflection on its main object of study, i.e. translation. Yet, given the applied nature of this field, there is some disagreement as to whether translation theory is relevant in the practice of translation. The never-ending battle between these two dimensions of the discipline has given rise to a series of myths and prejudices concerning Translation Studies that extend into both the sphere of translation as a profession and the academic context. Although a number of authors have highlighted the contributions that translation theory has to offer in the training of translators (Gile 1995, 2010; Chesterman and Wagner 2002; Munday 2012), Translation theory usually plays a secondary role in the curricula of Spanish universities. At the same time, students’ attitude towards the more theoretical subjects seems to be one of rejection. Here we conduct an empirical study to analyse the preconceptions that Translation and Interpreting (T&I) undergraduate and post-graduate students have concerning the usefulness and benefits of translation theory in their training.
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Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Ordóñez López, Pilar & Rosa Agost
Future translatorsʼ views on translation theory: a qualitative approach.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 16:2
► pp. 158 ff.

Yang, Yuan & Xiangdong Li
Which theories are taught to students and how they are taught: A content analysis of interpreting textbooks .
Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 92
► pp. 167 ff.

Agost, Rosa & Pilar Ordóñez-López
La traductologie comme espace d’interaction : vieux préjugés, nouveaux défis.
Meta: Journal des traducteurs 66:3
► pp. 512 ff.

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