(Im)politeness, morality and the internet
Much recent research has contributed to the emergence of a moral turn in (im)politeness scholarship, further confirming the
evaluative nature of (im)politeness and the moral basis of (im)politeness evaluations, and further illuminating, among other
things, what is really at work when (im)politeness evaluations take place, what the moral order consists of and how the moral
order influences (im)politeness evaluations. Meanwhile, thanks to much emphasis on the instrumentality of words and
utterances, a distinction can be discerned between ‘politeness without’ (or practical politeness) and ‘politeness within’ (or
true politeness). Politeness within is true and truthful, but politeness without is not necessarily so. True politeness may be
in when self is out. This volume aims to further foreground the link between (im)politeness and morality in people’s
online interactions, revealing something about ourselves and about our life-worlds.
Article outline
- 1.A moral turn in (im)politeness studies?
- 2.(Im)politeness and morality
- 3.The volume: When (im)politeness and morality meet on the internet
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