Narrative – State of the Art
Narrative – State of the Art which was originally published as a Special Issue of Narrative Inquiry 16:1 (2006) is edited by Michael Bamberg and contains 24 chapters (with a brief introduction by the editor) that look back and take stock of developments in narrative theorizing and empirical work with narratives. The attempt has been made to bring together researchers from different disciplines, with very different concerns, and have them express their conceptions of the current state of the art from their perspectives. Looking back and taking stock, this volume further attempts to begin to deliver answers to the questions (i) What was it that made the original turn to narrative so successful? (ii) What has been accomplished over the last 40 years of narrative inquiry? (iii) What are the future directions for narrative inquiry? The contributions to this volume are deliberately kept short so that the readers can browse through them and get a feel about the diversity of current narrative theorizing and emerging new trends in narrative research. It is the ultimate aim of this edited volume to stir up discussions and dialogue among narrative researchers across these disciplines and to widen and open up the territory of narrative inquiry to new and innovative work.
[Benjamins Current Topics, 6] 2007. vi, 271 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2008
Published online on 1 July 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Introductory remarksMichael Bamberg | pp. 1–5
Narrative research and the challenge of accumulating knowledgeRuthellen Josselson | pp. 7–15
The role of narrative in personality psychology todayDan P. McAdams | pp. 17–26
The promise (and challenge) of an innovative narrative psychologyBrian Schiff | pp. 27–36
Biographical structuring: Narrating and reconstructing the self in research and professional practiceWolfram Fischer and Martina Goblirsch | pp. 37–46
Narrative pre-constructionWilliam Labov | pp. 47–56
A new role for narrative in variationist sociolinguisticsBarbara Johnstone | pp. 57–67
Story formulations in talk-in-interactionElizabeth Stokoe and Derek Edwards | pp. 69–79
Continuity and change in narrative study: Observations on componential and functional analysisPatrick Colm Hogan | pp. 81–90
Dialogue in a discourse context: Scenes of talk in fictional narrativeDavid Herman | pp. 91–101
Rhetorical aesthetics and other issues in the study of literary narrativeJames Phelan | pp. 103–112
Narrative as construction and discursive resourceStephanie Taylor | pp. 113–122
The narrative negotiation of identity and belongingWolfgang Kraus | pp. 123–132
Narratives in actionMary M. Gergen and Kenneth J. Gergen | pp. 133–143
Thinking big with small stories in narrative and identity analysisAlexandra Georgakopoulou | pp. 145–154
Life “on holiday”? In defense of big storiesMark Freeman | pp. 155–163
Stories: Big or small: Why do we care?Michael Bamberg | pp. 165–174
Entitlement and empathy in personal narrativeAmy Shuman | pp. 175–184
Frankie, Johnny, Oprah and Me: The limits of narrativeCrispin Sartwell | pp. 185–193
Rescuing narrative from qualitative researchPaul Atkinson and Sara Delamont | pp. 195–204
The performance turn in narrative studiesEric E. Peterson and Kristin M. Langellier | pp. 205–213
Applied ethnopoeticsJan Blommaert | pp. 215–224
The self-telling bodyRita Charon | pp. 225–235
Narrative thinking and the emergence of postpsychological therapiesJohn McLeod | pp. 237–247
Do good stories produce good health? Exploring words, language, and cultureNairán Ramírez-Esparza and James W. Pennebaker | pp. 249–259
Living stories: Designing story-based educational experiencesRoger C. Schank and Tammy Berman | pp. 261–270
“Narrative – State of the Art is recommended for those familiar with the field of narrative study who have an interest in short and accessible outlines on the varied approaches currently in use in the field.”
Emily Farrell, Macquarie University, in Discourse Studies 11(2)
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Communication Studies
Main BIC Subject
CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General