Cognitive and geographic constraints on morphosyntactic variation
The variable agreement of presentational haber in Peninsular Spanish
In this paper, I examine whether the variation patterns of
haber pluralization (e.g.,
fiestas ‘there was/were parties’) in Peninsular Spanish corroborate the hypothesis elaborated in earlier work that the phenomenon
constitutes a competition between two variants of the presentational construction with
haber that is constrained by
domain-general cognitive constraints on spreading activation. In addition, this paper examines whether
haber pluralization
is incrementing in frequency in particular Peninsular regions and whether or not the phenomenon is spreading geographically. To meet these
objectives, I analyze a dataset of more than 7,500 cases of
haber + plural NP, which were culled from two publicly
available data sources: the
Corpus Oral y Sonoro del Español Rural (which represents only rural speakers born before the
Fernández-Ordóñez 2005-) and
Twitter (which represents mainly young and
middle-aged speakers). The results of a mixed-effects logistic regression analysis that tests the effects of tense, the absence/presence of
negation, typical action-chain position of the noun, the regional origin of the examples, and the data sources support the competition
hypothesis. This model also supports that pluralized
haber is spreading westward from its epicenters (Valencia, Barcelona,
and Murcia), while also incrementing in frequency in northern, eastern and southern Spain. However, its frequency appears to be declining in
central Spain. A geographically more detailed, but similar picture is obtained with three generalized additive mixed models that test the
effects of geography on the total dataset as well as on each of the two subcorpora.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Methods
- 2.1Data
- 2.2Statistical analysis: Mixed-effects logistic regression and generalized additive mixed modeling
- 3.Cognitive Construction Grammar and cognitive constraints on haber pluralization
- 4.Cognitive constraints on presentational haber pluralization
- Markedness of coding
- Statistical preemption
- 5.Results
- 5.1General distribution
- 5.2Cognitive constraints
- 5.3Geographic constraints
- 6.Conclusions
- Notes
This article is currently available as a sample article.
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