Cognitive and Empirical Pragmatics

Issues and perspectives

Gregory Bochner | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Institut Jean Nicod & F.R.S.-FNRS
Philippe De Brabanter | Institut Jean Nicod & Université Paris 4-Sorbonne
Mikhail Kissine | Université Libre de Bruxelles & F.R.S.-FNRS
Daniela Rossi | Université Libre de Bruxelles
ISBN 9789027226853 | EUR 104.00 | USD 156.00
| EUR 101.00
Over the last decade, research in semantics and pragmatics has started to increasingly incorporate new experimental methods from cognitive psychology. That this empirical stance on utterance interpretation has now reached maturity is revealed by two unmistakable symptoms: (i) an increased reflection on the contextual methods used to elicit experimental data, and (ii) a continuous expansion of the linguistic phenomena and themes being investigated through these methods. The articles gathered in this volume testify to this very recent evolution of the field: a first set of papers questions the interpretation or interpretability of data collected in non-naturalistic settings, while a second set reflects the extension of experimental methods to new topics. The volume offers an up-to-date overview of contemporary issues arising within the thriving field of Empirical Pragmatics.
[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 25] 2011.  v, 208 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 5 December 2011
Table of Contents
Gregory Bochner, Philippe De Brabanter, Mikhail Kissine and Daniela Rossi
“I saw the yellowish going south” Narrative discourse in autism spectrum disorder
Jessica de Villiers
Affordance and ability: How do participants replicate linguistic choices in the lab?
Jean-Marie Marandin
Metaphor: For adults only?
Nausicaa Pouscoulous
Piecemeal acquisition of boundedness: Degree modifiers of adjectives in Dutch child language
Elena Tribushinina
Adjectival vs. nominal categorization processes: The Rule vs. Similarity hypothesis
Galit W. Sassoon
Lexical reduplication and affective contents: A pragmatic and experimental perspective
Daniela Rossi
Contribution of working memory in parity and proportional judgments
Jakub Szymanik and Marcin Zajenkowski
Squib: A deflationary account of invited inferences
Ira A. Noveck, Mathilde Bonnefond and Jean-Baptiste van der Henst

Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General