There is ample evidence that language users, including second language (L2) speakers, can predict upcoming information during listening and reading. Yet it is still unclear when, how, and why language users engage in prediction, and what the relation is between prediction and learning. This volume presents a collection of current research, insights and directions regarding the role of prediction in L2 processing and learning. In this introductory chapter, we provide an overview of the current state of the field and highlight that prediction may not always be the most efficient processing mechanism, depending on a language user’s linguistic experience, task demands, goals and resources. We propose that a focus on the utility of prediction may help us better understand differences in predictive processing within and between individuals and groups.
Article outline
What is prediction and what is it good for in L2 learning and processing?
What is prediction?
What is prediction good for?
A brief history of prediction in language processing research
Research on prediction in L1 sentence processing
Research on prediction in L2 sentence processing
Prediction in L1 and L2 processing: The role of utility
Cue reliability and utility in L1 predictive processing
Cue reliability and utility in L2 predictive processing
A note about proficiency
Prediction and learning
Insights from L1 speakers
Insights from L2 speakers
Again: Utility
Concluding remarks, synopses of chapters, and future directions
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