It is currently accepted that native speakers regularly predict upcoming elements during language comprehension. Empirical evidence suggests that the ability to predict is not as stable in a second language (L2) compared to the first language (L1). One factor that may affect prediction in an L2 is cross-linguistic influence (CLI). Only a handful of studies have tested this hypothesis. Hence, the aim of this chapter is to raise awareness of the importance of CLI, rather than to draw strong conclusions, and to propose directions for future research. After a brief review of CLI on language processing in general, studies that have investigated the circumstances under which these effects may play a (positive/negative) role with regard to prediction are reviewed.
Article outline
Cross-linguistic influence and language processing in L2
Cross-linguistic influence and prediction in L2
Do cross-linguistic differences in features and rules affect L2 prediction?
Can L2 speakers use features that do not exist in their L1 as prediction cues?
Is the use of the sentence context in L2 prediction affected by CLI?
Is the use of the discourse context in L2 prediction affected by CLI? First steps
Cross-linguistic influence and models of language prediction
Cross-linguistic influence and error-based implicit learning
Cross-linguistic influence and prediction-by-production
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