One common assumption in the second language acquisition literature is that learning words in a second language (L2) is somehow distinct from acquiring new words in a native language (L1), particularly for beginning adult learners. Indeed, several models of the bilingual lexicon ascribe a special status or protection mechanism to new L2 words during early stages of acquisition (often lexical mediation via the L1 translation equivalent; e.g., Grainger, Midgley, & Holcomb, 2010; Kroll & Stewart, 1994; Kroll, Van Hell, Tokowicz, & Green, 2010). In this chapter, we examine this assumption by comparing parasitic models, which posit such separate learning processes for L1 and L2 words, and non-parasitic models, which do not. To do this, we review empirical evidence related to word learning in beginning adult L2 learners, with a focus on the influence of the lexical and conceptual knowledge from their L1. Are there factors that differentially affect word learning in the L1 versus the L2 or at different levels of L2 proficiency? If so, how can identifying these factors inform our understanding of the underlying mechanisms? Answering these questions challenges the notion that a special mechanism is necessary for L2 word learning in adults and outlines a research agenda to gain further insight into these issues.
Article outline
1.Two approaches to L2 word learning
2.Learning the form of a new word
2.1Translation equivalents and lexical mediation
2.2Influence of L1 neighbors
3.Learning the meaning of a new word
3.1Creating new semantic representations
3.2Effects of semantic variables
3.3Semantic interference in learning and processing
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