This is about people, not texts – a translator ethics seeks to embrace the intercultural identity of the translatory subject, in its full array of possible actions.
Based on seminars originally given at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris, this translation from French has been fully revised by the author and extended to include critical commentaries on activist translation theory, non-professional translation, interventionist practices, and the impact of new translation technologies. The result takes the traditional discussion of ethics into the way mediators can actively create cooperation between cultures, while at the same time addressing very practical questions such as when one should translate or not translate, how much translators should charge, or whose side they should be on.
On Translator Ethics offers a point of reference for the key debates in contemporary Translation Studies.
2024. Theoretical challenges for a genetics of translation. Translation Studies 17:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
Cukur, Leandra
2024. Towards an ethical framework for evaluating paid translation crowdsourcing and its consequences. The Translator 30:1 ► pp. 47 ff.
Fukuno, Maho
2024. Humanising translator and interpreter ethics for critical language users: A case of what the impartial model can learn from the ‘empathetic’ model. In Enabling Learning: Language Teaching for Australian Universities, ► pp. 205 ff.
Klabal, Ondřej
2024. Peter Newmark’s Contribution to Legal Translation. AUC PHILOLOGICA 2023:2 ► pp. 13 ff.
Nabea, Wendo
2024. Kiswahili Video Messaging on COVID-19 Awareness in Kenya. In Public Health Communication Challenges to Minority and Indigenous Communities [Advances in Linguistics and Communication Studies, ], ► pp. 47 ff.
2024. Neutrality Affected: Negotiating the Promise of Empathy in Interpreters’ Memoirs. Life Writing 21:1 ► pp. 67 ff.
Zwischenberger, Cornelia & Leandra Cukur
2024. Translation on and over the web: disentangling conceptual uncertainties and ethical questions – an introduction. The Translator 30:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
Asscher, Omri & Ella Glikson
2023. Human evaluations of machine translation in an ethically charged situation. New Media & Society 25:5 ► pp. 1087 ff.
Díaz Alarcón, Soledad
2023. La ambivalencia como estrategia subversiva de construcción identitaria en la traducción de Garçon manqué de Nina Bouraoui. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción 16:1 ► pp. 88 ff.
2023. When Deciding to Translate Means Risking Your Reputation: How an American Translator Became a “Spy,” and a Chinese Author, an “Enemy from America”. TTR 35:2 ► pp. 213 ff.
2022. Translator’s narrative intervention in the English translation of Jin Yong’s The Legend of Condor Heroes. Perspectives 30:6 ► pp. 1043 ff.
Hu, Bei
2022. Translation as an Ethical Intervention? Building Trust in Healthcare Crisis Communication. In Language as a Social Determinant of Health [Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting, ], ► pp. 179 ff.
Kačer, Tomáš
2022. Czech translations and receptions of contemporary Australian fiction. Journal of Postcolonial Writing 58:1 ► pp. 51 ff.
Lévano Castro, Sofia
2022. Investigaciones en traducción publicadas en revistas internacionales. Lengua y Sociedad 21:2 ► pp. 293 ff.
Marais, Kobus
2022. Semiotic agency: science beyond mechanism. The Translator 28:3 ► pp. 366 ff.
Marais, Kobus
2023. Translating constraints. Translation Studies 16:2 ► pp. 178 ff.
Venkatesan, Hari
2022. The fourth dimension in translation: time and disposability. Perspectives 30:4 ► pp. 662 ff.
Venkatesan, Hari
2023. Technology preparedness and translator training. Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation / Revista Internacional de Traducción 69:5 ► pp. 666 ff.
Altobelli, Dario
2021. Identità, culture, diritti. Prospettive socio-antropologiche su donne migranti e salute. SALUTE E SOCIETÀ :3 ► pp. 27 ff.
2020. Theoretical Issues in Specialised Translation. In Research and Professional Practice in Specialised Translation, ► pp. 111 ff.
Scarpa, Federica
2020. Introducing Specialised Translation. In Research and Professional Practice in Specialised Translation, ► pp. 1 ff.
TOSUN, Muharrem & Nesrin ŞEVİK
2020. Aristoteles’in Dört Neden Kuramının Çeviribilim Alanındaki Kuramsal Yaklaşımlara Etkisi. Diyalog Interkulturelle Zeitschrift Für Germanistik► pp. 162 ff.
Greenall, Annjo K.
2019. The discursive (re-)construction of translational ethics. Perspectives 27:5 ► pp. 648 ff.
Katan, David
2019. In Defence of the Cultural Other: Foreignisation or Mindful Essentialism?. In Contacts and Contrasts in Educational Contexts and Translation [Second Language Learning and Teaching, ], ► pp. 119 ff.
Kwok, Virginia
2019. Ethics and aesthetics are one. Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 65:2 ► pp. 249 ff.
Lee, Hyang & Won Jun Nam
2019. The past and future of translation studies in South Korea. Perspectives 27:3 ► pp. 419 ff.
2018. Negotiating Boundaries: Ethical Issues in Commercial Translation. In Regulations and Applications of Ethics in Business Practice [Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application, ], ► pp. 3 ff.
Kruk-Junger, Katarzyna
2018. Skopos jako wyznacznik roli tłumacza i jego znaczenie dla dydaktyki. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 24:1 (39) ► pp. 73 ff.
Kruk-Junger, Katarzyna
2021. Analysis of Some Common Misconceptions Regarding the Profession of Liaison Interpreting. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 27:4(54) ► pp. 85 ff.
Towner, Philip H.
2018. Translation from the Other Side: Process before Product or “In Defense of Lost Causes”. The Bible Translator 69:2 ► pp. 150 ff.
2017. Bases and Models Revisited: The Importance of Using Different Types of Reference Translations. The Bible Translator 68:1 ► pp. 3 ff.
Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel A.
2017. How much would you like to pay? Reframing and expanding the notion of translation quality through crowdsourcing and volunteer approaches. Perspectives 25:3 ► pp. 478 ff.
Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel A.
2018. Crowdsourcing and Translation Quality: Novel Approaches in the Language Industry and Translation Studies. In Translation Quality Assessment [Machine Translation: Technologies and Applications, 1], ► pp. 69 ff.
2014. Measuring the Adequacy of the Host Text Using Skopostheorie in Bible Translation: The Ethics of Operational Transparency. The Bible Translator 65:3 ► pp. 308 ff.
Koskinen, Kaisa
2014. Tampere as a translation space. Translation Studies 7:2 ► pp. 186 ff.
Tyulenev, Sergey
2013. Translating in the public sphere: Birth pangs of a developing democracy in today's Russia. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 31:4 ► pp. 469 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 11 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.