Language pedagogy and translation studies
Towards a (re)definition of translation
The aim of this chapter is to show how the field of language pedagogy, and more
specifically that of language for specific purposes (LSP), could benefit from the
use of translation. We give evidence that some theoretical approaches
in translation studies can help language learners develop communicative
competence so as to make their communication exchanges more successful. In
particular, translation in LSP can help language learners bridge the gap between
language and culture, between forms and uses of languages, by providing
them with all the mediation, negotiation, comparison and decision-making
skills which are fundamental to any language learning process. In this chapter,
both functional approaches to language learning and functionalist approaches
in translation studies are illustrated to show the trans-disciplinary nature of
translation studies and language pedagogy in a collaborative effort to maximise
positive synergies between these two disciplines. A discourse analysis pattern
to support translation is proposed, and some possible applications of corpus
linguistics to translation activities will also be provided.
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