Chapter 16
Official facts and fictions
The Canada Council’s discourse on literary translation (1972–2015)
Article outline
- Liminary remarks
- On translation policy
- Objectives, hypotheses, methodology
- The Canada Council for the Arts: National and international translation programs
- The dialectics of official fact and fiction 1: The national translation program
- The dialectics of fact and fiction 2: The international translation program
- Conclusion
References (20)
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McDonough Dolmaya, Julie. 2014. “Dialogue, Reassurance and Understanding: Framing Political Translations during the 1980 and 1995 Sovereignty Referendums.” Meta 59 (3): 578–597. 

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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Woodsworth, Judith
Writing and translating in the multilingual city.
Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 7:3
► pp. 255 ff.

Lane-Mercier, Gillian
Relire l’histoire de la traduction littéraire au Canada : d’une tradition de traduction à des amorces de traditions imprévisibles1.
TTR 31:2
► pp. 17 ff.

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