Part of
Key Cultural Texts in Translation
Edited by Kirsten Malmkjær, Adriana Şerban and Fransiska Louwagie
[Benjamins Translation Library 140] 2018
► pp. 203218
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Texts analysed
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2. to The Cloud Dream of the Nine, in Gale Scarth Papers , University of Toronto.
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3. translation, published in 2003, [URL], accessed 18 July 2017.
4.Marshall R. Pihl’s review of Virtuous Women: Three Masterpieces of Traditional Korean Fiction in the Journal of Asian Studies, 35(3), 511–513, [URL], accessed 18 July 2017.
5.Val’s, Adam’sAta’s customer, and Ata’s customer reviews on [URL], [URL], accessed 18 July 2017.
6.Eclectic Bookworm’s customer review on [URL], [URL], accessed 18 July 2017.