Alasmri, Ibrahim
Cross-linguistic influence of English on conjunction system in translated Arabic: a multifactorial corpus-based study.
Perspectives ► pp. 1 ff.

Ivaska, Ilmari, Silvia Bernardini & Adriano Ferraresi
Lekomtseva, Irina Alekseevna, Marina Nikolaevna Kulikova & Adelya Khamitovna Abdulmanova
Unique items hypothesis: a case study of student Russian-to-English translations.
Litera :2
► pp. 237 ff.

Niu, Jiang & Yue Jiang
Does simplification hold true for machine translations? A corpus-based analysis of lexical diversity in text varieties across genres.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11:1

Oster, Ulrike & Isabel Tello
Vaičenonienė, Jurgita
A Corpus-Based Study of Dual Pronoun Translation.
Sustainable Multilingualism 24:1
► pp. 257 ff.

Wang, Letao & Yue Jiang
Do translation universals exist at the syntactic-semantic level? A study using semantic role labeling and textual entailment analysis of English-Chinese translations.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11:1

Zhan, Juhong & Yue Jiang
Testing the unique item hypothesis with phrasal verbs in Chinese–English translations of Lu Xun’s short stories: the perspective of translation directionality.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11:1

Borillo, Josep Marco & Gemma Peña Martínez
Ferraresi, Adriano & Silvia Bernardini
Leńko-Szymańska, Agnieszka & Łucja Biel
Maekelberghe, Charlotte & Isabelle Delaere
Neveu, Anne & Isabel Lacruz
Zhang, Xiaomin, Haidee Kotze & Jing Fang
Hyper-conventional, unconventional, or “just right”? The interplay of normalisation and cross-linguistic influence in the use of modal particles in translated Chinese children’s literature.
Meta 67:2
► pp. 384 ff.

Chen, Lilan & Yongsheng Chen
Example-Based Hybrid Higher-Order Neural Network Cognition Applied for Archive Translation. In
Advances in Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing [
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 80],
► pp. 445 ff.

Hu, Bei
Feeling foreign: A trust-based compromise model of translation reception.
Translation Studies 15:2
► pp. 202 ff.

Jia, Juan, Muhammad Afzaal & Swaleha Bano Naqvi
Myth or reality? Some directions on translation universals in recent corpus based case studies.
Frontiers in Psychology 13

Khaïroulline, Vladimir
Time items in Russian key cultural texts and their English translations.
La linguistique Vol. 58:1
► pp. 197 ff.

Liu, Kanglong, Zhongzhu Liu & Lei Lei
Simplification in translated Chinese: An entropy-based approach.
Lingua 275
► pp. 103364 ff.

Liu, Kanglong, Rongguang Ye, Liu Zhongzhu, Rongye Ye & Wajid Mumtaz
Entropy-based discrimination between translated Chinese and original Chinese using data mining techniques.
► pp. e0265633 ff.

Carl, Michael
Micro Units and the First Translational Response Universal. In
Explorations in Empirical Translation Process Research [
Machine Translation: Technologies and Applications, 3],
► pp. 233 ff.

Feng, Haoda & Feng Shi
Corpus methodologies explained: an empirical approach to translation studies,.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 24:9
► pp. 1450 ff.

Liu, Kanglong & Muhammad Afzaal
Translator's Style Through Lexical Bundles: A Corpus-Driven Analysis of Two English Translations of Hongloumeng.
Frontiers in Psychology 12

Liu, Kanglong, Muhammad Afzaal & Diego Raphael Amancio
Syntactic complexity in translated and non-translated texts: A corpus-based study of simplification.
► pp. e0253454 ff.

Talavira, Nataliia, T. Andrienko, S. Potapenko & L. Slavova
Constructionist basis of composing and translating political speeches: A case study of President Trump’s inaugural address.
SHS Web of Conferences 105
► pp. 03006 ff.

Henkel, Daniel
The Conditional Perfect, A Quantitative Analysis in English-French Comparable-Parallel Corpora. In
Text Analytics [
Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, ],
► pp. 179 ff.

Jones, Henry
Jowett’s Thucydides: A corpus-based analysis of translation as political intervention.
Translation Studies 13:3
► pp. 333 ff.

Liu, Kanglong
Corpus-Assisted Translation Teaching: An Overview. In
Corpus-Assisted Translation Teaching [
Corpora and Intercultural Studies, 7],
► pp. 9 ff.

Mauranen, Anna
ELF and Translation As Language Contact. In
Language Change,
► pp. 95 ff.

Scarpa, Federica
Theoretical Issues in Specialised Translation. In
Research and Professional Practice in Specialised Translation,
► pp. 111 ff.

Zhang, Xiaomin, Haidee Kotze (Kruger) & Jing Fang
Explicitation in children’s literature translated from English to Chinese: a corpus-based study of personal pronouns.
Perspectives 28:5
► pp. 717 ff.

Darriba, Patricia Gonzalez
Self-directed Motion in Spontaneous and Translated English: A Comparable Corpora Study.
Across Languages and Cultures 20:2
► pp. 213 ff.

Kenny, Dorothy & Mali Satthachai
Explicitation, Unique Items and the Translation of English Passives in Thai Legal Texts.
Meta 63:3
► pp. 604 ff.

Martín Mor, Adrià
Do translation memories affect translations? Final results of the TRACE project.
Perspectives 27:3
► pp. 455 ff.

Satthachai, Mali & Dorothy Kenny
Wang, Feng & Philippe Humblé
Alasmri, Ibrahim & Haidee Kruger
Conjunctive markers in translation from English to Arabic: a corpus-based study.
Perspectives 26:5
► pp. 767 ff.

Chlumská, Lucie
Prominent POS-Grams and n-Grams in Translated Czech in the Mirror of the English Source Texts. In
Taming the Corpus [
Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences, ],
► pp. 99 ff.

Ramón, Noelia & Camino Gutiérrez-Lanza
Špínová, Adéla
Hypotéza unique items v překladu z angličtiny.
► pp. 117 ff.

Almeida, Sandra
Ji, Meng, Oakes, Michael, Defeng, Li and Hareide, Lidun, eds. (2016): Corpus methodologies explained: an empirical approach to translation studies. London/New York: Routledge, 244 p. .
Meta: Journal des traducteurs 62:3
► pp. 666 ff.

Carl, Michael & Moritz J. Schaeffer
Models of the Translation Process. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 50 ff.

Ferreira, Aline & John W. Schwieter
Translation and Cognition. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 1 ff.

Hansen‐Schirra, Silvia
EEG and Universal Language Processing in Translation. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 232 ff.

Laviosa, Sara, Adriana Pagano, Hannu Kemppanen & Meng Ji
Empirical Translation Studies: From Theory to Practice and Back Again. In
Textual and Contextual Analysis in Empirical Translation Studies [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 1 ff.

Robin, Edina
Translation universals revisited.
FORUM. Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation 15:1
► pp. 51 ff.

Robin, Edina, Andrea Götz, Éva Pataky & Henriette Szegh
Translation Studies and Corpus Linguistics: Introducing the Pannonia Corpus.
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica 9:3
► pp. 99 ff.

Schaeffer, Moritz, Kevin B. Paterson, Victoria A. McGowan, Sarah J. White & Kirsten Malmkjær
Kruger, Haidee & Bertus van Rooy
Loock, Rudy
Références. In
La traductologie de corpus,
► pp. 237 ff.

Risku, Hanna, Jelena Milosevic & Christina Pein-Weber
Cvrček, Václav & Lucie Chlumská
Simplification in translated Czech: a new approach to type-token ratio.
Russian Linguistics 39:3
► pp. 309 ff.

Egan, Thomas
Manner and Path: evidence from a multilingual corpus.
CogniTextes 12:Volume 12

Redelinghuys, Karien & Haidee Kruger
Biel, Łucja
The textual fit of translated EU law: a corpus-based study of deontic modality.
The Translator 20:3
► pp. 332 ff.

Biel, Łucja
Enhancing the communicative dimension of legal translation: comparable corpora in the research-informed classroom.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 11:4
► pp. 316 ff.

Dose, Stefanie
Vagueness as a recurring pattern in interpreted German speech.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 32:3
► pp. 331 ff.

Halme-Berneking, Riikka
Helping Bible Translators Recognize Linguistic Interference between Angolan Bantu Languages and Portuguese.
The Bible Translator 65:3
► pp. 353 ff.

Zufferey, Sandrine & Bruno Cartoni
Cappelle, Bert & Rudy Loock
Chesterman, Andrew
The Significance of Hypotheses.
TTR 24:2
► pp. 65 ff.

House, Juliane
Suggestions for a New Interdisciplinary Linguo-cognitive Theory in Translation Studies. In
Researching Cognitive Processes of Translation [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 3 ff.

Kenny, Dorothy
Corpus Analysis in Translation Studies. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,

Jimenez-Crespo, Miguel A.
A corpus-based error typology: towards a more objective approach to measuring quality in localization.
Perspectives 19:4
► pp. 315 ff.

Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel A.
Rabadán, Rosa
Any into Spanish: A Corpus-Based Analysis of a Translation Problem.
Linguistica Pragensia 21:2

Saldanha, Gabriela
Emphatic Italics in English Translations: Stylistic Failure or Motivated Stylistic Resources?.
Meta 56:2
► pp. 424 ff.

Wastesson, Sofia
Le problème de l'interférence : le cas de la traduction en suédois par les mots väl et antagligen.
Cahiers Sens public n° 13-14:1
► pp. 239 ff.

Malmkjær, Kirsten
What is translation competence?.
Revue française de linguistique appliquée Vol. XIV:1
► pp. 121 ff.

Frankenberg-Garcia, Ana
‘Suggesting rather special facts’: a corpus-based study of distinctive lexical distributions in translated texts.
Corpora 3:2
► pp. 195 ff.

Slodzian, Monique
Paradoxes du multilinguisme.
Syntaxe & Sémantique N° 9:1
► pp. 111 ff.

Kanter, Ido, Haggai Kfir, Brenda Malkiel & Miriam Shlesinger
Identifying universals of text translation*.
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 13:1
► pp. 35 ff.

Tirkkonen-Condit, Sonja
Process Research: State of the Art and Where to Go Next?.
Across Languages and Cultures 3:1
► pp. 5 ff.

Tirkkonen-Condit, Sonja
The Monitor Model Revisited: Evidence from Process Research.
Meta 50:2
► pp. 405 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 1 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.