Revisiting the Interpreter’s Role
A study of conference, court, and medical interpreters in Canada, Mexico, and the United States
Through the development of a valid and reliable instrument, this book sets out to study the role that interpreters play in the various settings where they work, i.e. the courts, the hospitals, business meetings, international conferences, and schools. It presents interpreters’ perceptions and beliefs about their work as well as statements of their behaviors about their practice. For the first time, the administration and results of a survey administered across languages in Canada, Mexico and the United States offer the reader a glimpse of the interpreters' views in their own words. It also discusses the tension between professional ideology and the reality of interpreters at work. This book has implications for the theory and practice of interpreting across settings.
[Benjamins Translation Library, 55] 2004. xvi, 125 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Published online on 21 October 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments | p. xi
List of tables | p. xiii
List of figures | p. xiv
List of abbreviations | p. xv
Prologue | p. 1
1. Overview of the field | p. 7
2. Opening up the circle | p. 27
3. The construction of the Interpreter Interpersonal Role Inventory (IPRI) | p. 47
4. Interpreter Interpersonal Role Inventory: Administration and results | p. 63
5. Expanding perspectives | p. 83
Appendix 1. IPRI Final Version | p. 101
Appendix 2. Organizations surveyed for different settings | p. 106
Appendix 3. Letter from AIIC, U.S. Respondent #16 | p. 107
Notes | p. 111
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