The Turns of Translation Studies
New paradigms or shifting viewpoints?
What’s new in Translation Studies? In offering a critical assessment of recent developments in the young discipline, this book sets out to provide an answer, as seen from a European perspective today. Many “new” ideas actually go back well into the past, and the German Romantic Age proves to be the starting-point. The main focus lies however on the last 20 years, and, beginning with the cultural turn of the 1980s, the study traces what have turned out since then to be ground-breaking contributions (new paradigms) as against what was only a change in position on already established territory (shifting viewpoints). Topics of the 1990s include nonverbal communication, gender-based Translation Studies, stage translation, new fields of interpreting studies and the effects of new technologies and globalization (including the increasingly dominant role of English). The author’s aim is to stimulate discussion and provoke further debate on the current profile and future perspectives of Translation Studies.
[Benjamins Translation Library, 66] 2006. xi, 205 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2008
Published online on 1 July 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface | pp. ix–xi
Introduction | pp. 1–4
Translation Studies: The emergence of a discipline | pp. 5–46
The cultural turn of the 1980s | pp. 47–67
The "interdiscipline" of the 1990s | pp. 69–114
The turns of the 1990s | pp. 115–148
At the turn of the millennium: State of the discipline | pp. 149–169
Translation studies - future perspectives | pp. 171–175
Index | pp. 199–205
“[...] this is a masterly survey of European Translation Studies by one of the key persons who has felt the brunt of the battles raging beside, below, and possibly above her. She has been in the midst of the whole thing. Yet she addresses the issues in a level-headed, orderly, insightful, and wise way; her command of the field is fantastic, her insights beyond compare. To anybody who wishes to get the records straight and the facts right, this is the book. As such it is a must for everyone who feels competent to speak authoritatively about Translation Studies.”
Cay Dollerup, Copenhagen, on
“The time is ripe for a critical evaluation of the discipline from the perspective of 'turns'. The well compiled subject index and author index are helpful tools to orient the reader in the vast array of issues and names quoted in the study. The volume helps to re-assess some of the major tendencies developed in the past decades and to position them in the still dynamically evolving field of translation studies.”
Michaela Wolf, Universität Graz, in Across Languages and Cultures, Vol. 8(1) 2007
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Translation & Interpreting Studies
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LAN023000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Translating & Interpreting