Al-Abbas, Linda S.
Subtitling Arabic dialogues in Netflix’s
The Crown
into English: treatment of cultural challenges
Cogent Arts & Humanities 11:1
Al-Harahsheh, Ahmed Mohammad & Sarah Attalah Alhourani
Subtitling of Jordanian Culture-Specific Expressions in “The Alley” Movie.
► pp. 356 ff.
Cui, Ying & Xiao Liu
How condensation and non-condensation impact viewers’ processing effort and comprehension – an eye-tracking study on Chinese subtitling of English documentaries.
Perspectives ► pp. 1 ff.
Dore, Margherita & Giuseppina De Nicola
Creativity in pivot audiovisual translation.
subtitled and dubbed in Italian
Perspectives 32:5
► pp. 797 ff.
El-Farahaty, Hanem & Rafat Y. Alwazna
Translating Cultural References and Sensitive Elements Between Arabic and English: Netflix Subtitles as a Case Study.
Sage Open 14:2
Fărcașiu, Marcela Alina
Bridging Cultures Through Subtitling: A Case Study of "Southland" and Romanian Subtitles.
English Studies at NBU 10:2
► pp. 342 ff.
Jankowska, Anna
Using annotated pivot templates to transfer culture specific references in audio description: translators’ performance, strategies, and attitudes.
Perspectives 32:5
► pp. 780 ff.
Kelandrias, Panagiotis
Einbettung von Filmen in unterschiedliche soziokulturelle Kontexte. In
Translation im Kontext [
TRANSÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens, 146],
► pp. 137 ff.
Adrienn Károly, Lotta Kokkonen, Maija Gerlander & Peppi Taalas
Driving and Embracing Change: Learning and Teaching Languages and Communication in Higher Education.
JYU Studies ► pp. 1 ff.
Lautenbacher, Olli Philippe
Lee, Jimin & Younjong Kang
An audience response study on Korean translation of culture-specific items in licensed musicals.
Perspectives ► pp. 1 ff.
Lutsenko, Roman
Reproduction of Multimodal Constructions with a National Component in Various Video Genres of Modern Political Discourse.
Studia Philologica 2:23
► pp. 115 ff.
Mälzer, Nathalie & Maria Wünsche
Subtitling for people who are D/deaf or hard-of-hearing (SDH). In
Handbook of Accessible Communication [
Easy – Plain – Accessible, 15],
► pp. 313 ff.
Obeidat, Mohammed M. & Rawda A. Abbadi
Subtitling cultural expressions in “Barbie” movie into Arabic.
Research Journal in Advanced Humanities 5:3
Pięta, Hanna, Susana Valdez, Rita Menezes & Stavroula Sokoli
Indirect (pivot) audiovisual translation: a burning issue for research and training.
Perspectives 32:5
► pp. 763 ff.
Qiu, Juerong & Anthony Pym
Fatal flaws? Investigating the effects of machine translation errors on audience reception in the audiovisual context.
Perspectives ► pp. 1 ff.
Saad Al-Malki, Maram
The Strategies of Subtitling the Saudi Films from Arabic into English: Masameer: The Movie – Case Study.
Arab World English Journal :308
► pp. 1 ff.
Sahari, Yousef
Subtitling the f-word into Arabic in Hollywood films: a corpus-based study.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11:1
Sahari, Yousef, Mutahar Qassem, Eisa Ahmad S. Asiri, Ibrahim Alasmri & Ahmad Assiri
Szarkowska, Agnieszka, Valentina Ragni, Sonia Szkriba, Sharon Black, Jan-Louis Kruger & David Orrego-Carmona
‘That’s not what they said!' The impact of incongruities between the dialogue and intralingual subtitles on viewer experience.
Perspectives ► pp. 1 ff.
Zhang, Yadan, Omer Hassan Ali Mahfoodh & Debbita Ai Lin Tan
A Corpus-based Evaluation of English-Mandarin Cultural References between Fansubbing and Official Subtitling.
Journal of Intercultural Communication ► pp. 109 ff.
Al-Jabri, Hanan, Ghadeer Alhasan & Sukayna Ali
Subtitling Arabic humour into English.
The European Journal of Humour Research 11:2
► pp. 159 ff.
Barrera-Rioja, Noemí
The Rendering of Foul Language in Spanish-English Subtitling: The Case of El Vecino.
Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura 28:2
► pp. 1 ff.
Chen, Yuping
Chinese Subtitling of Participants in an English Film Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol: A Narrative-Informed Visual-Verbal Reference.
Sage Open 13:3
Cui, Ying, Xiao Liu & Yuqin Cheng
Attention-consuming or attention-saving: an eye tracking study on punctuation in Chinese subtitling of English trailers.
Multilingua 42:5
► pp. 739 ff.
Cómitre Narváez, Isabel
Paratraduire l’imaginaire : approche méthodologique du sous-titrage espagnol des films ocelotiens.
Meta 67:3
► pp. 592 ff.
Díaz-Cintas, Jorge & Lydia Hayes
Role Reversal: An Overview of Audiovisual Translation into English.
Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura 28:2
► pp. 1 ff.
Li, Xueying & Yi Jing
The leverage of “text type” on translation choices: An empirical study with a logical focus.
Meta 68:1
► pp. 119 ff.
Maaẞ, Laura Marie
Accessibility on Social Media. In
Emerging Fields in Easy Language and Accessible Communication Research [
Easy – Plain – Accessible, 14],
► pp. 79 ff.
Miranda Rodas, M. Blanca
O último barco de Domingo Villar en francés: problemas e técnicas de tradución.
Revista Galega de Filoloxía 24
Ogea Pozo, María del Mar, Carla Botella Tejera & Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano
Exploring Stereotypes and Cultural References in Dubbed TV Comedies in the Spanish-as-a-Foreign-Language Classroom.
Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura 28:2
► pp. 1 ff.
Phanthaphoommee, Narongdej & Siripen Ungsitipoonporn
Translation for language revitalisation: efforts and challenges in documenting botanical knowledge of Thailand’s Northern Khmer speakers.
Multilingua 42:4
► pp. 559 ff.
Restucci, Francesca
Elena Ferrante in China
Analysis of the Translation of Cultural References in the First Volume of My Brilliant Friend
Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale :1
Aasebø, Turid Skarre & Ilmi Willbergh
Empowering minority students: a study of cultural references in the teaching content.
Journal of Curriculum Studies 54:5
► pp. 618 ff.
AKAT, Bülent & Tuba KÜMBÜL
Extralinguistic cultural references (ECRs) rendered into subtitling: The case of the historical film series Diriliş: Ertuğrul.
RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :30
► pp. 1447 ff.
Alfaify, Abeer & Sara Ramos Pinto
Cultural references in films: an audience reception study of subtitling into Arabic.
The Translator 28:1
► pp. 112 ff.
Alosevičienė, Eglė
Translation and Adaptation of Culture-Bound Words in Subtitles: A Case Study of the Lithuanian Historical Drama Film Emilia. Breaking Free
Sustainable Multilingualism 20:1
► pp. 231 ff.
Amenador, Kate Benedicta & Zhiwei Wang
The Translation of Culture-Specific Items (CSIs) in Chinese-English Food Menu Corpus: A Study of Strategies and Factors.
Sage Open 12:2
Amenador, Kate Benedicta & Zhiwei Wang
The Image of China as a Destination for Tourist: Translation Strategies of Culture-Specific Items in the Chinese-English Food Menus.
Sage Open 13:3
Chen, Xijinyan
Taboo Language in Non-Professional Subtitling on A Corpus-Based Study.
Languages 7:2
► pp. 138 ff.
Cordisco, Mikaela & Mariagrazia De Meo
Subtitling Neapolitan Dialect in “My Brilliant Friend”: Linguistic Choices and Sociocultural Implications in the Screen Adaptation of Elena Ferrante’s Best-selling Novel.
Respectus Philologicus 42:47
► pp. 125 ff.
Guerberof-Arenas, Ana & Antonio Toral
Leksawat, Animmarn
Blurring the Line between Professional and Amateur Subtitling.
Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 28:1 (55)
► pp. 119 ff.
Li, Jingjing
How Much Does a Subtitle Say?: A Critical Reception Study of Chinese Television Dramas Streamed Overseas. In
Streaming and Screen Culture in Asia-Pacific,
► pp. 197 ff.
Li, Qiang Jason, Fangzhou Noah Zhu & Young Ng
Benchmarking the Quality of Chinese to English Geotourism Interpretation: the SSC Model Based on Eco-translatology.
Geoheritage 14:3
Oziemblewska, Magdalena & Agnieszka Szarkowska
The quality of templates in subtitling. A survey on current market practices and changing subtitler competences.
Perspectives 30:3
► pp. 432 ff.
Raffa, Giovanni
Broadcast Stand-up Comedy and Its Translation.
Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 28:1 (55)
► pp. 143 ff.
Sanatifar, Saleh & Leelany Ayob
An Intercultural Perspective on Subtitling Cultural Gaps for International Films: A Case of Fifteen Iranian Films .
Journal of Intercultural Communication ► pp. 22 ff.
Silvester, Hannah
Working conditions and collaborative practices in the translation of French film: subtitling banlieue cinema.
Perspectives 30:3
► pp. 399 ff.
Taghavi, Morteza & Mostafa Bahraman
Valdeón, Roberto A.
Latest trends in audiovisual translation.
Perspectives 30:3
► pp. 369 ff.
Veselica-Majhut, Snježana
The Challenges of Translating Cultural Embeddedness in Crime Fiction: A Picture from Croatia.
Przekładaniec :Special issue 1/2022
► pp. 93 ff.
Bardini, Floriane
Matamala, Anna (2019) : Accessibilitat i traducció audiovisual [Accessibilité et traduction audiovisuelle]. Vic : Eumo, 275 p. .
Meta: Journal des traducteurs 66:3
► pp. 753 ff.
Bolaños-García-Escribano, Alejandro
A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Decision-Making in Subtitling.
Corpus Pragmatics 5:3
► pp. 421 ff.
Chen, Wei, Takeshi Nakamoto & Juan Zhang
Cho, Sung-Eun & Jungye Suh
Translating Korean Beauty YouTube Channels for a Global Audience. In
When Translation Goes Digital,
► pp. 173 ff.
Huang, Boyi
Subtitlers’ Visibilities on a Spectrum in the Digital Age: A Comparison of Different Chinese Translations of The Big Bang Theory. In
When Translation Goes Digital,
► pp. 45 ff.
Pleguezuelos, Antonio Jesús Martínez
Szarkowska, Agnieszka, Jorge Díaz Cintas & Olivia Gerber-Morón
Quality is in the eye of the stakeholders: what do professional subtitlers and viewers think about subtitling?.
Universal Access in the Information Society 20:4
► pp. 661 ff.
Szarkowska, Agnieszka, Breno Silva & David Orrego-Carmona
Xu, Zhaoxing
The Routledge handbook of translation and pragmatics.
Intercultural Pragmatics 18:1
► pp. 111 ff.
Bogucki, Łukasz
Relevance in Secondary Communication. In
A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Decision-Making in Subtitling,
► pp. 9 ff.
Bruti, Silvia & Serenella Zanotti
Looking behind the scenes: an analysis of dialogue lists for Ocean's Eleven.
Perspectives 28:6
► pp. 864 ff.
Fuentes-Luque, Adrián & Rebeca Cristina López-González
Cine de animación made in Spain: doblaje y subtitulación de elementos culturales.
Íkala 25:2
► pp. 495 ff.
Katan, David
Cultural Approaches to Translation. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
► pp. 1 ff.
Kuo, Arista Szu-Yu
The Tangled Strings of Parameters and Assessment in Subtitling Quality: An Overview. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility [
Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting, ],
► pp. 437 ff.
Lehoux-Jobin, Etienne
Shinohara, Yuko (篠原有子) (2018): 映画字幕の翻訳学-日本映画と英語字幕 (Eigajimaku no hon’yakugaku: nihon’eiga to eigojimaku) [The translation studies of film subtitling: Japanese films and English subtitles]. Kyoto: Koyo Shobo (晃洋書房), 240 p. .
Meta: Journal des traducteurs 65:3
► pp. 771 ff.
Plewa, Elżbieta
Napisy na ekranach kin II Rzeczypospolitej.
Przekładaniec :41
► pp. 214 ff.
Ranzato, Irene
The Problem with Culture. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility [
Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting, ],
► pp. 647 ff.
Sánchez-Mompeán, Sofía
Pitch Perfect. In
The Prosody of Dubbed Speech,
► pp. 189 ff.
Veselica-Majhut, Snježana & Aleksandra Kamińska
Trudności związane z przekładem elementów kulturospecyficznych w literaturze kryminalnej: przykład Chorwacji.
Przekładaniec :40
► pp. 130 ff.
陈, 薇
The Analysis on the Subtitling Strategies of Cultural References in Chinese Movie I Am Not Madame Bovary.
Modern Linguistics 08:06
► pp. 961 ff.
Božović, Petar
Anglophone culture through the Western Balkan lens: a corpus-based study on the strategies used for rendering extralinguistic elements of culture in Montenegrin subtitling.
Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 85
► pp. 9 ff.
Bywood, Lindsay
Testing the retranslation hypothesis for audiovisual translation: the films of Volker Schlöndorff subtitled into English.
Perspectives 27:6
► pp. 815 ff.
Díaz-Cintas, Jorge
Audiovisual Translation in Mercurial Mediascapes. In
Advances in Empirical Translation Studies,
► pp. 177 ff.
Díaz-Cintas, Jorge
The Name and Nature of Subtitling. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility [
Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting, ],
► pp. 149 ff.
Hughes, Bronwen
Stuff the Turkey! An Investigation of Food, Language and Performative Identity Construction in Eat Pray Love. In
Food Across Cultures,
► pp. 99 ff.
Matamala, Anna
The VIW project.
Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 32:2
► pp. 515 ff.
Szarkowska, Agnieszka & Lidia Bogucka
Cuéllar Lázaro, Carmen
Traducción accesible: avances de la norma española de subtitulado para sordos UNE 153010:2012.
► pp. 51 ff.
Dicerto, Sara
A New Model for Source Text Analysis in Translation. In
Multimodal Pragmatics and Translation,
► pp. 1 ff.
Khakshour Forutan, Moein & Ghasem Modarresi
Translation of Cultural Taboos in Hollywood Movies in Professional Dubbing and Non-professional Subtitling.
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 47:6
► pp. 454 ff.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, Anna
Constraints on Opera Surtitling: Hindrance or Help?.
Meta 63:1
► pp. 216 ff.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, Anna
Problems and Constraints in Translation: A Semiotic Perspective.
Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 26:47
► pp. 91 ff.
Sulaiman, M Zain & Rita Wilson
Translating tourism promotional materials: a cultural-conceptual model.
Perspectives 26:5
► pp. 629 ff.
Sulaiman, M. Zain & Rita Wilson
Tackling the Tourism Translation Challenge: A Cultural-Conceptual Approach. In
Translation and Tourism,
► pp. 49 ff.
Candel-Mora, Miguel Ángel & Diana M. González-Pastor
Subtitling for a global audience.
FORUM. Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation 15:2
► pp. 288 ff.
Danilaviciene, Greta, Jolita Horbacauskiene & Ramune Kasperaviciene
On formulaic language in subtitling and voice-over.
Translationes 9:1
► pp. 71 ff.
García Vizcaíno, María José
When ‘Holy cow!’ becomes a team loyalty marker: translating fútbol across cultures.
Perspectives 25:1
► pp. 120 ff.
Lievois, Katrien & Aline Remael
Audio-describing visual filmic allusions.
Perspectives 25:2
► pp. 323 ff.
Martínez-Garrido, Gemma
Globalization and the Translation of Minority Languages in Film Subtitling. In
Translations In Times of Disruption,
► pp. 257 ff.
Pedersen, Jan
Audiovisual Translation Norms and Guidelines. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility [
Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting, ],
► pp. 417 ff.
Awedyk, Witosław
Attitudes of young Poles and Norwegians towards audiovisual translation in cinema and broadcast media.
Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia 21:1
► pp. 31 ff.
Meister, Lova
The T/V dilemma: Forms of address as a stylistic resource in English-Swedish subtitling.
Perspectives 24:4
► pp. 527 ff.
Ponomareva, Anna
Vikram Seth’s Golden Gate as a Transcreation of Alexander Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin. In
Rereading Schleiermacher: Translation, Cognition and Culture [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 219 ff.
Vandal-Sirois, Hugo
Le traducteur en coulisse : traduction de scénarios et productions audiovisuelles multilingues.
TTR 27:2
► pp. 49 ff.
Bartlett, Lesley & Monisha Bajaj
Nonformal Bilingual Education. In
The Handbook of Bilingual and Multilingual Education,
► pp. 428 ff.
Díaz-Pérez, Francisco Javier
From the Other Side of the Looking Glass: A Cognitive-Pragmatic Account of Translating Lewis Carroll. In
Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2015 [
Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics, 3],
► pp. 163 ff.
Díaz-Pérez, Francisco Javier
Díaz-Pérez, Francisco Javier
Ferreira, Aline, John W. Schwieter & Daniel Gile
Kuipers, Giselinde
How National Institutions Mediate the Global.
American Sociological Review 80:5
► pp. 985 ff.
Artegiani, Irene & Dionysios Kapsaskis
Template files: asset or anathema? A qualitative analysis of the subtitles ofThe Sopranos.
Perspectives 22:3
► pp. 419 ff.
Ilkhanipour, Negin
Translation Metamorphosis: a process-oriented approach to onomastics.
Perspectives 22:2
► pp. 271 ff.
Maszerowska, Anna & Carme Mangiron
Washbourne, Kelly
Nonlinear Narratives: Paths of Indirect and Relay Translation.
Meta 58:3
► pp. 607 ff.
Ugochukwu, Françoise
Nollywood across Languages Issues in Dubbing and Subtitling.
Journal of Intercultural Communication 13:3
► pp. 1 ff.
Švelch, Jaroslav
The delicate art of criticizing a saviour.
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 19:3
► pp. 303 ff.
Fernández Costales, Alberto
Collaborative Translation Revisited.
FORUM. Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation 10:1
► pp. 115 ff.
Jankowska, Anna & Agnieszka Szarkowska
Strategie opisu kulturemów w audiodeskrypcji.
Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 22:1(31)
► pp. 135 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 11 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.