The role of non-canonical subjects in the overall grammar of a language
A case study of Russian
We offer a model of Russian core syntax in terms of a radial category network
of constructions. The prototype corresponds to Langacker’s “canonical event
model”, namely a prototypical transitive event, and more peripheral constructions
are related to it via metaphor and metonymy. From this perspective we
focus on non-canonical subjects marked in the dative case, highlighting the
complex interaction of lexical items (verbs) with constructions, and building
on our previous work on case and infinitives. We hypothesize that a speaker’s
perception of cause may be influenced by the use of non-canonical subjects
(in Russian) rather than canonical subjects (in English) and present the results
of an experiment. We are unable to prove any conclusive effect, but show the
importance and need for further testing.
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Endresen, Anna & Laura A. Janda
Taking Construction Grammar One Step Further: Families, Clusters, and Networks of Evaluative Constructions in Russian.
Frontiers in Psychology 11

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