Part of
The Shared Mind: Perspectives on intersubjectivity
Edited by Jordan Zlatev, Timothy P. Racine, Chris Sinha and Esa Itkonen
[Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research 12] 2008
► pp. 279305
Cited by (28)

Cited by 28 other publications

Zlatev, Jordan & Alexandra Mouratidou
2024. Extending the Life World: Phenomenological Triangulation Along Two Planes. Biosemiotics 17:2  pp. 407 ff. DOI logo
Zlov, Vladislav & Jordan Zlatev
2024. A cognitive-semiotic approach to impoliteness: Effects of conventionality and semiotic system on judgements of impoliteness by Russian and Swedish speakers. Journal of Politeness Research 20:2  pp. 249 ff. DOI logo
Maynes, Jeffrey
2023. The Good, the Bad, and the Yucky: Valenced Linguistic Intuitions and Linguistic Methodology. In Emotions, Metacognition, and the Intuition of Language Normativity,  pp. 243 ff. DOI logo
Sandro, Paolo
2023. The Making of Constitutional Democracy: From Creation to Application of Law. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Shipton, Ceri, Mark Nielsen & Fabio Di Vincenzo
2021. The Acheulean Origins of Normativity. In Explorations in Archaeology and Philosophy [Synthese Library, 433],  pp. 197 ff. DOI logo
van den Herik, Jasper C.
2021. Rules as Resources: An Ecological-Enactive Perspective on Linguistic Normativity. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20:1  pp. 93 ff. DOI logo
Zlatev, Jordan, Göran Jacobsson & Liina Paju
2021. Desiderata for metaphor theory, the Motivation & Sedimentation Model and motion-emotion metaphoremes. In Figurative Language - Intersubjectivity and Usage [Figurative Thought and Language, 11],  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Devylder, Simon & Jordan Zlatev
2020. Cutting and breaking metaphors of the self and the Motivation & Sedimentation Model. In Figurative Meaning Construction in Thought and Language [Figurative Thought and Language, 9],  pp. 253 ff. DOI logo
Karczewski, Daniel & Marcin Trojszczak
2020. Normative Generics and Norm Breaching – A Questionnaire-Based Study of Parent-Child Interactions in English. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 61:1  pp. 49 ff. DOI logo
Itkonen, Esa
2019. Concerning the scope of normativity. In Normativity in language and linguistics [Studies in Language Companion Series, 209],  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo
Laasanen, Mikko
2019. Language as a system of norms and the Voloshinovian critique of abstract objectivism. In Normativity in language and linguistics [Studies in Language Companion Series, 209],  pp. 151 ff. DOI logo
Leppänen, Ville
2019. Linguistic variation and change. In Normativity in language and linguistics [Studies in Language Companion Series, 209],  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
Mäkilähde, Aleksi, Ville Leppänen & Esa Itkonen
2019. Norms and normativity in language and linguistics. In Normativity in language and linguistics [Studies in Language Companion Series, 209],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Möttönen, Tapani
2019. The normative basis of construal. In Normativity in language and linguistics [Studies in Language Companion Series, 209],  pp. 125 ff. DOI logo
Stampoulidis, Georgios, Marianna Bolognesi & Jordan Zlatev
2019. A cognitive semiotic exploration of metaphors in Greek street art. Cognitive Semiotics 12:1 DOI logo
Marácz, László
2018. Languages, norms and power in a globalised context. In The Politics of Multilingualism [Studies in World Language Problems, 6],  pp. 223 ff. DOI logo
Unternbäumen, Enrique Huelva
2017. The codification of intersubjectivity in the diachronic change AD locative > A(D) indirect object in Spanish. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16:1  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
Alho, Tommi & Ville Leppänen
2016. Roman brick stamps: evidence for the development of Latin case syntax. Glotta 92:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Alho, Tommi & Ville Leppänen
2017. On Roman brick stamps ans the Latin –(a)es genitive. Pallas :103  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
Geeraerts, Dirk
2016. The sociosemiotic commitment. Cognitive Linguistics 27:4  pp. 527 ff. DOI logo
Zlatev, Jordan & Johan Blomberg
2015. Language may indeed influence thought. Frontiers in Psychology 6 DOI logo
Zlatev, Jordan & Johan Blomberg
2019. Norms of language. In Normativity in language and linguistics [Studies in Language Companion Series, 209],  pp. 69 ff. DOI logo
Hobson, R. Peter, Jessica A. Hobson, Rosa García-Pérez & John Du Bois
2012. Dialogic Linkage and Resonance in Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42:12  pp. 2718 ff. DOI logo
Thibault, Paul J.
2011. First-Order Languaging Dynamics and Second-Order Language: The Distributed Language View. Ecological Psychology 23:3  pp. 210 ff. DOI logo
Zlatev, Jordan
2010. Phenomenology and Cognitive Linguistics. In Handbook of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science,  pp. 415 ff. DOI logo
Zlatev, Jordan
2018. Meaning making from life to language:The Semiotic Hierarchy and phenomenology. Cognitive Semiotics 11:1 DOI logo
Zlatev, Jordan
2024. Constraining Metaphor and Metonymy in Language and Depiction: A Cognitive Semiotics Approach. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69:1  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo

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