She has a stadium named after her
Meaning variation in spoken interaction
In English, sequences consisting of the verb have, a noun phrase and a past participle vary in meaning. This meaning variation has been discussed both in the context of grammatical description and language change, mostly based on a handful of examples. This study seeks to combine theoretical and methodological approaches from construction grammar and interactional linguistics in the description of this meaning variation. Theoretically, this implies distinguishing between abstracted meaning potential and situated meaning of linguistic elements. Methodologically, this means taking both a coarse-grained view by means of a quantitative corpus-based approach that abstracts over a number of instances and a fine-grained view by means of qualitative analysis of talk-in-interaction.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Constructional meaning in construction grammar and interactional linguistics
- 2.1Theoretical background
- 2.2Data and methodology
- 3.The constructions
- 3.1The affactive construction
- 3.2Complex-transitive constructions
- 3.2.1The have-resultative construction
- 3.2.2The have-depictive construction
- 3.2.3Optional depictive construction
- 3.3Past participial NP-internal modifier construction
- 4.Ambiguity
- 4.1Ambiguity without context
- 4.2Ambiguity with context
- 5.Conclusion
- Notes
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Johannsen, Berit
Between Causative and Passive: Agentivity in the Affactive Construction.
Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 69:3
► pp. 321 ff.

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