From data to theory
An emergent semantic classification based on the large-scale Russian constructicon
The semantic classification of over 2,200 constructions in the Russian Constructicon has emerged objectively from
empirical analysis. The resulting semantic classification comports with and goes beyond frame semantics, revealing complex
patterns of related constructions verified against corpus data and by a panel of native speakers. Our model of a constructicon can
inform and complement existing approaches with additional findings. We detail our discovery procedure and the semantic
relationships that link constructions. While our methods and findings are based on a single language, they can serve as a basis
for cross-linguistic comparison in the field of Construction Grammar and constructicography research.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The data: The Russian Constructicon resource
- 3.The methodology: Behind-the-scenes of semantic annotation of constructions
- 3.1Collecting constructions
- 3.2Semantic classification informed by various approaches and at various levels
- 3.3Semantic annotation as a team effort
- 4.The system of semantic types
- 4.1The superordinate class “Qualia”
- 4.2The superordinate class “Modality and its neighborhood”
- 4.3The superordinate class “Subjectivity”
- 4.4The superordinate class “Discourse”
- 4.5The superordinate class “Parameters”
- 5.Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- Notes
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Zhukova, Valentina & Laura A. Janda
Russian grammar as a constructicon: beyond a list.
Russian Linguistics 48:1

Valentina A. Zhukova & Alexander B. Letuchiy
William Croft’s approach to constructions in comparison with the system of constructions in the Russian Constructicon.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija :5
► pp. 135 ff.

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