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2023. Down the paths to the past habitual: its historical connections with counterfactual pasts, future in the pasts, iteratives and lexical sources in Ancient Greek. Folia Linguistica 57:s44-s1 ► pp. 87 ff.
2023. Toward a Unified Linguistic Approach to Conditionals—Some Empirical Evidence. In Conditionals [Palgrave Studies in Pragmatics, Language and Cognition, ], ► pp. 321 ff.
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2023. A typological study on the syntactic variations of counterfactual clauses. Australian Journal of Linguistics 43:3 ► pp. 219 ff.
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2022. The difference between the optative and the “modal” indicative in Homeric Greek: four case studies. Part 1: The optative. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 139:3 ► pp. 157 ff.
Popović, Ljudmila
2022. Плюсквамперфект в сучасній українській мові. Russian Linguistics 46:3 ► pp. 181 ff.
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2020. Routes Towards The Irrealis. Transactions of the Philological Society 118:3 ► pp. 401 ff.
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2019. Counterfactuality and past. Linguistics and Philosophy 42:6 ► pp. 577 ff.
2015. Etude diachronique du conditionnel passé ou l'origine de la contrefactualité. Journal of French Language Studies 25:2 ► pp. 189 ff.
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2014. Fake Tense in conditional sentences: a modal approach. Natural Language Semantics 22:2 ► pp. 117 ff.
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2009. Polyphonie, constructions conditionnelles et discours rapporté. Langue française n° 164:4 ► pp. 97 ff.
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2008. A feature-theoretic account of tense and aspect in Russian. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 26:2 ► pp. 359 ff.
2006. Ontological Symmetry in Language: A Brief Manifesto. Mind & Language 21:4 ► pp. 504 ff.
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2006. The Nature of Irreality in the Past Domain: Evidence from Past Intentional Constructions in Australian Languages* This paper was written while I was a visiting research fellow at the linguistics department of the University of Melbourne. I would like to thank the department for its hospitality, as well as the Fund for Scientific Research–Flanders for its financial support. I am grateful to Rachel Nordlinger and two anonymous reviewers for very helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper, and to Bruce Birch, Alan Dench, Nick Evans, Ian Green, Shelly Harrison, Ekkehard König, Bill McGregor, Nele Nivelle, Marie-Eve Ritz and Adam Saulwick for general discussion or specific comments on some of the ideas presented here. I am of course responsible for any errors of fact or interpretation.. Australian Journal of Linguistics 26:1 ► pp. 59 ff.
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2004. ‘If She Had of Shutted the Cage, the Rabbit Wouldn’t Escape’: Past Counterfactuals Elicited from 6-to 11-Year-Old Children. First Language 24:2 ► pp. 209 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 12 november 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.