Cited by (43)

Cited by 43 other publications

Alonso-Ovalle, Luis, Paula Menéndez-Benito & Aynat Rubinstein
2024. Eventive modal projection: the case of Spanish subjunctive relative clauses. Natural Language Semantics 32:2  pp. 135 ff. DOI logo
Grano, Thomas
2024. Intention reports and eventuality abstraction in a theory of mood choice. Linguistics and Philosophy 47:2  pp. 265 ff. DOI logo
Kaneko, Makoto, F. Neveu, S. Prévost, A. Montébran, A. Steuckardt, G. Bergounioux, G. Merminod & G. Philippe
2024. L’exemption d’obviation revisitée : avec une référence spéciale aux propositions circonstancielles introduite par la locution conjonctive pour que. SHS Web of Conferences 191  pp. 12010 ff. DOI logo
Carter, Sam
2023. Conditional Collapse. Mind 132:528  pp. 971 ff. DOI logo
Csipak, Eva & Maribel Romero
2023. Counterfactual Hypothetical vs. Biscuit Conditionals: A Semantic/Pragmatic Analysis of Their Morphological Differences. In Conditionals [Palgrave Studies in Pragmatics, Language and Cognition, ],  pp. 425 ff. DOI logo
Karimi, Simin, Narges Nematollahi, Roya Kabiri & Jian Gang Ngui
2023. Introduction. In Advances in Iranian Linguistics II [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 361],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Nematollahi, Narges
2023. Mood selection in complement clauses in Persian. In Advances in Iranian Linguistics II [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 361],  pp. 180 ff. DOI logo
von Fintel, Kai & Sabine Iatridou
2023. Prolegomena to a theory of X-marking. Linguistics and Philosophy 46:6  pp. 1467 ff. DOI logo
Zuber, R.
2023. Properties of propositional attitude operators. Linguistics and Philosophy 46:2  pp. 237 ff. DOI logo
Baunaz, Lena & Genoveva Puskás
2022. What Subjunctive Is Not. In A Cross-linguistic Approach to the Syntax of Subjunctive Mood [Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 101],  pp. 67 ff. DOI logo
Baunaz, Lena & Genoveva Puskás
2022. Background. In A Cross-linguistic Approach to the Syntax of Subjunctive Mood [Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 101],  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
Baunaz, Léna & Genoveva Puskás
2014. On subjunctives and islandhood. In Variation within and across Romance Languages [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 333],  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo
Bochnak, M. Ryan & Emily A. Hanink
2022. Clausal embedding in Washo: Complementation vs. modification. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 40:4  pp. 979 ff. DOI logo
Grisot, Cristina, Joanna Blochowiak & Genoveva Puskás
2022. Predicting verbal mood in complement clauses: the role of the <em>semantic category</em>, the <em>tense</em> and the <em>grammatical aspect</em> of the matrix verb. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7:1 DOI logo
Ledgeway, Adam
2022. Residues and Extensions of Perfective Auxiliary be: Modal Conditioning. Languages 7:3  pp. 160 ff. DOI logo
Zeijlstra, Hedde
2022. Negation and Negative Dependencies, DOI logo
Lo Guercio, Nicolás
2021. Slurs and antipresuppositions. Natural Language Semantics 29:2  pp. 377 ff. DOI logo
Willer, Malte
2021. Two puzzles about ability can. Linguistics and Philosophy 44:3  pp. 551 ff. DOI logo
Buchczyk, Sebastian, Ingo Feldhausen, F. Neveu, B. Harmegnies, L. Hriba, S. Prévost & A. Steuckardt
2020. À propos du subjonctif en français : une révision expérimentale de l'effet de l'affaiblissement de l'obviation. SHS Web of Conferences 78  pp. 14003 ff. DOI logo
Charnavel, Isabelle
2020. Logophoricity and Locality: A View from French Anaphors. Linguistic Inquiry 51:4  pp. 671 ff. DOI logo
Martínez Vera, Gabriel
2020. On Phase-over-Phase Configurations and phase collapsing:wh-extraction in V +de +CP clauses in Spanish. The Linguistic Review 37:3  pp. 393 ff. DOI logo
Patel-Grosz, Pritty
2020. Pronominal typology and the de se/de re distinction. Linguistics and Philosophy 43:5  pp. 537 ff. DOI logo
Portner, Paul & Aynat Rubinstein
2020. Desire, belief, and semantic composition: variation in mood selection with desire predicates. Natural Language Semantics 28:4  pp. 343 ff. DOI logo
Quer, Josep
2020. The Subjunctive. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
White, Aaron Steven
2020. Lexically triggered veridicality inferences. In Handbook of Pragmatics [Handbook of Pragmatics, ],  pp. 115 ff. DOI logo
Duffley, Patrick & Pierre Larrivée
2019. The use ofanywith factive predicates. Linguistics 57:1  pp. 195 ff. DOI logo
Stegovec, Adrian
2019. Perspectival control and obviation in directive clauses. Natural Language Semantics 27:1  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Poplack, Shana
2018. Categories of grammar and categories of speech. In Questioning theoretical primitives in linguistic inquiry [Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics, 76],  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Sheehan, Michelle
2018. Control of inflected infinitives in European Portuguese. In Complement Clauses in Portuguese [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 17],  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Silk, Alex
2018. Commitment and states of mind with mood and modality. Natural Language Semantics 26:2  pp. 125 ff. DOI logo
Baunaz, Lena
2017. Embedding verbs and subjunctive mood. In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 11 [Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, 11],  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
Meinunger, André
2017. Desires, wishes and hopes – Desiderative predicates and presuppositions. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 70:4  pp. 611 ff. DOI logo
Podobryaev, Alexander
2017. Three routes to person indexicality. Natural Language Semantics 25:4  pp. 329 ff. DOI logo
Colonna Dahlman, Roberta
2016. Did People in the Middle Ages Know that the Earth Was Flat?. Acta Analytica 31:2  pp. 139 ff. DOI logo
Gosselin, Laurent
2016. Les modes expriment-ils des modalités ?. Lingvisticae Investigationes 39:1  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Rihs, Alain
2016. Le subjonctif comme marqueur procédural. Syntaxe & Sémantique N° 17:1  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Gärtner, Hans-Martin
2015. On infinitivals hosting logophors: The case of Icelandic. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 38:3  pp. 365 ff. DOI logo
Kagan, Olga
2013. Subjunctive Mood and the Notion of Commitment. In Semantics of Genitive Objects in Russian [Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 89],  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
Bosque, Ignacio
2012. Mood: Indicative vs. Subjunctive. In The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics,  pp. 373 ff. DOI logo
Schlenker, Philippe
2012. Maximize Presupposition and Gricean reasoning. Natural Language Semantics 20:4  pp. 391 ff. DOI logo
Abrusán, Márta
2011. Presuppositional and negative islands: a semantic account. Natural Language Semantics 19:3  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
Abrusán, Márta
2023. The perspective‐sensitivity of presuppositions. Mind & Language 38:2  pp. 584 ff. DOI logo
Villalta, Elisabeth
2008. Mood and gradability: an investigation of the subjunctive mood in Spanish. Linguistics and Philosophy 31:4  pp. 467 ff. DOI logo

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