Within an integrative approach to the structure of spoken language, taking into account prosody, information structure, and syntax, a new model of clause is suggested, viz., a unipartite clause, where the only necessary and sufficient component is the predicate, i.e., with no subject component required. By default, the predicate is viewed as the element carrying the informational load of the clause, the ‘new’ element in the discourse, and the focused component of the clause. The predicate carries the clause modality, where ‘modality’ is viewed in a broad perspective. A preliminary classification of unipartite clauses in Hebrew is also offered.
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2023. Non-subject oriented existential, possessive and dative-experiencer constructions in Modern Hebrew – a cross-linguistic typological approach. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 76:4 ► pp. 545 ff.
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