Anaphora resolution, collocations and translation
Collocation identification and anaphora resolution are widely recognised as major issues for natural language
processing, and particularly for machine translation. This paper focuses on their intersection domain, that is
verb-object collocations in which the object has been pronominalised. To handle such cases, an anaphora resolution
procedure must link the direct object pronoun to its antecedent. The identification of a collocation can then be made
on the basis of the verb and its object or its antecedent. Results obtained from the translation of a large corpus
will be discussed, as well as an evaluation of the precision of the anaphora resolution procedure for this specific
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Collocations in Translation
- 3.Translating collocations with Its-2
- 4.Results and evaluation
- 4.1Two experiments
- Experiment 1: English
- Experiment 2: French
- Global results of experiments
- 4.2Evaluation of the precision of the AR procedure
- Evaluation settings
- Results
- Recall
- 5.Conclusion
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