From a single lexical unit to multiple grammatical paradigms
This paper studies the reanalysis, grammaticalisation, and paradigmatization of constructions becoming members of grammatical paradigms. The changes are illustrated by means of a single lexical unit, i.e. the French verb of perception, voir “to see”. The verb is found in very different contexts, which have been reanalysed and resulted in grammaticalized structures. Therefore, voir provides an interesting illustration of the pathway of a lexical unit into grammar. One reanalysis has resulted in the creation of voir followed by the deictic relative as part of a marker of progression, i.e. as a member of the category of tense, aspect, and mood. Another pathway involves the imperative form of the verb, which has grammaticalized as presentatives (voici and voilà). These forms have undergone further grammaticalization or, following the terms of Henning Andersen, regrammation, into markers of focalization.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theoretical frame
- 2.1Grammation and regrammation
- 2.2Paradigms
- 3.Constructions of presentation and focus
- 3.1Definitions
- 3.2Inventory of structures
- 3.2.1C’est X
- 3.2.2Il y a X
- 3.2.3Il est X
- 3.2.4Voici/voilà X
- 3.2.5Avoir X qui
- 3.2.6X est là qui
- 3.2.7Je vois X qui
- 3.3Conclusion on partial paradigms
- 4.Conclusion
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Jeppesen Kragh, Kirsten
Proposition d’une classification des marqueurs discursifs comme membres d’un paradigme.
Langue française N° 209:1
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Jeppesen Kragh, Kirsten
Voilà , membre du paradigme des marqueurs discursifs.
Langages N° 227:3
► pp. 99 ff.

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