Changes of tense and modality in Late Mediaeval Slovene
Transference, extension or both?
The paper analyses the typology of change processes proposed by Andersen (2001, 2006) by minutely investigating semantic and pragmatic properties of temporal categories in the earliest Slovene texts, which emerged under German cultural influence, but preserved primacy of system-motivated developments.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Slovene between the Freising fragments and the Rateče manuscript
- 2.1The past tenses in the Freising fragments
- 2.2The Rateče manuscript
- 3.Trubar’s Catechismus 1550: How much did Luther’s Catechismus influence Trubar’s Slovene
- 4.Conclusions
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Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Gvozdanović, Jadranka
Journal of Historical Linguistics 10:2
► pp. 153 ff.
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