Subject index
- ablaut
2, 18–21, 26, 27, 30,
58, 112
- o-grade
2, 21, 26, 31, 220
- accomplishment
74, 233–235, 248, 254, 382,
386, 422, 454,
456, 463, 555–557, 562, 565, 569, 577, 580
- accusative
12, 151, 178, 179, 185,
187, 229, 318,
352, 366, 369,
390, 396, 397
- ~ alignment
32, 152, 228, 357
- achievement
61, 66, 233, 234, 253,
254, 262, 263,
268, 269, 290,
382, 454, 549,
555–557, 562,
565, 571, 572,
576, 577, 584
- actional
- ~ classes233see also predicate classes, situation type
- ~ passive
124, 130, 153,
- ~ perfect
129, 160, 177,
200, 203, 379
- actionality / aktionsart
17, 132, 166, 222, 223,
233, 287, 300,
378–382, 387,
411–413, 417
- active passim;see also neo-active, voice
- activity
63–66, 233–235, 294, 344, 366, 382, 386,
387, 398–402, 422, 425, 429,
430, 484, 555,
556, 563–566, 580
; see also atelic
- adjective passim;see also predicative, verb(al)
- admirative
39, 40, 505, 507, 538,
541, 543, 545
; see also mirative
- adverb(ial)
11, 52, 67, 96, 101,
107, 110, 113,
158, 218, 247,
282, 285, 342,
345, 396, 445,
491, 516, 544,
604, 623
- definite time / temporal ~
159, 163, 164,
178, 460, 461,
471–475, 497, 523, 544, 623, 635, 655, 663
- temporal / time ~
6, 55, 104, 109, 129,
170, 180, 215,
216, 221, 230,
248, 254, 289,
336–339, 374, 400, 401, 626, 656, 657
- ‘already’
247, 271, 382,
401, 635, 637–648, 661–662
- ‘just’
54, 55, 247, 271, 382,
635, 657, 663
; see also iamitive
- agent
- ~ (A)-orientation
24, 33, 124, 226–230, 387, 388, 398, 399, 404, 406
; see also subject
- agentive
8, 10, 76, 165, 171,
324, 329
- ~ phrase
65, 68, 70, 72, 74,
80, 83–86
- agreement
2, 9, 31, 114, 128,
139, 145, 152,
181–189, 203,
281, 384, 390,
394–397, 486
- ~ controller
126, 150, 151,
- core argument ~
32, 36, 38, 175–182, 315, 318, 321–324, 390, 394, 397, 486
- aktionsartsee actionality
- alignment
6–8, 26,
33, 36, 225, 319
- syntactic ~
74, 161, 217, 328
; see also accusative, ergative
- ambitransitive
155, 184, 187
- analytic(al)
90, 91
- ~ form / construction
52, 117, 420, 581, 582
- ~ past perfect / pluperfect
85, 384, 424
- ~ perfect
96, 98, 112, 114, 259,
260, 384, 412,
419, 420, 423,
424, 551, 581
; see also synthetic
- anchoring (deictic)
103–109, 183,
247–251, 263–269
; see also origo
- animate
65, 70, 231, 460
; see also inanimate
- anterior(ity)
- ~ participle
123, 149, 153,
161, 185, 198
- aorist
- ~ infinitive (ainf)
36, 37, 493, 494, 500,
501, 519, 627
- ~ participle (ap)
487, 491, 500,
501, 624, 625
- competition with the preterite / perfective
28, 31, 32, 140, 471,
498, 513
; see also perfective, past
- aoristic364
- ~ perfect
438, 470, 608,
616, 627, 629,
; see also narrative
- areal
- ~ diffusion / spread
2, 108, 109, 151, 153, 201
- argument
- ~ structure
17, 34, 36, 131, 142,
328, 443, 445,
449, 459
; see also valency
- external ~
440, 447, 449,
- internal ~
440, 445, 447,
449, 466
; see also event
- aspect
- ~ prominence
615, 616, 624,
- grammatical ~
329, 379, 381,
382, 412, 414,
- imperfective ~
96, 97, 155, 165, 200,
379, 411–413, 418–429
- lexical ~
96, 98, 101, 104, 112,
378, 381, 412,
413, 418–424, 430, 431
- progressive ~
26, 52, 74, 79, 86
- Slavic-style ~
413, 418, 419,
- stem-derivational ~
149, 200
- viewpoint ~
412–414, 418–421, 430, 554, 557
- aspectuality
95, 117, 412, 419
- atelic
- ~ eventuality
440, 447, 449,
452, 461, 475,
- ~ lexical aspect
104, 112
- ~ predicates
254, 255, 259,
261, 387, 428,
449, 451, 466,
469, 474, 475,
- ~ verbs
17, 36, 102, 142, 146–148, 173, 186, 287, 335, 386, 387, 398, 400, 403, 405, 418–421, 425, 426, 601
; see also activity, homogeneous
- atelicity
412, 420, 426, 429, 430
- atomic predicates
562–567, 569
- attrition203see also erosion
- autonomous
78, 79, 380, 420
- auxiliarisation
405, 429, 431
- auxiliary
- ~ selection
36, 40, 96, 102, 295,
393, 405, 431
- ~ verb construction (avc)
377–381, 383–404
- be- ~
102, 150, 161,
164, 181–184, 192, 194, 197, 198, 594, 606
- have- ~
154, 165, 185,
192, 404, 422,
423, 607, 610
- passive ~164see also future, perfect, periphrasis, preterite
- background
70, 110, 218, 237, 238,
269, 351, 400–402
- ~ information
104, 291, 342,
620, 625
- backgrounding device
616, 620, 631
; see also defocalisation
- be-auxiliarysee auxiliary
- be-perfectsee perfect (formations)
- be-pluperfectsee pluperfect
- biclausal construction
145, 421
- bilingualism
53, 58, 73, 180, 486,
488, 491, 604
- borrowing
603, 606
- pattern- ~
164, 180, 181,
185, 203
; see also calque, copying, loan verbs
- calque
196, 288, 352, 591–595, 600, 609, 610
; see also borrowing
- cancelled (annulled) result
135, 141, 146, 190, 194
- causative (caus)
155, 180, 219, 220, 229,
234, 442, 447,
454, 467, 470,
- ~ COS (cCOS)
450, 451, 456,
- ~ COS predicates
440, 445, 449,
453, 458, 466,
- change of state (COS)
3, 4, 7, 129, 141,
217, 229, 232,
246, 254, 263,
359, 368, 377,
382, 386, 387,
389, 398, 401,
402, 405, 414,
442, 555, 557,
567, 572, 575,
- COS predicate
443, 446, 447,
454, 459, 466
- non-homogeneous non-COS (nh ncos)
439, 446, 450–456, 463–465
- Charlemagne Sprachbund
592, 597, 598, 600, 609
- clause types
- conditional
192, 197, 372,
493, 499, 530,
537, 539, 540
- relative
239, 256, 371,
372, 522, 534,
- subordinate
51, 128, 174, 222, 484, 485, 498, 515, 531, 534, 535, 560–562, 576, 630
- clinch (an argument)
168, 615, 616, 627, 628,
- clitic
182–184, 204,
312, 321, 383,
386, 391–393, 398, 405, 512,
616, 621
; see also enclitic, proclitic
- cognitive
58, 311, 332, 333, 336,
338, 345–348
- ~ domain
249–251, 257, 258, 265–274
- collective
68, 84
; see also impersonal
- comparison
3, 77, 78
- by period
108, 281–283, 456, 462–465, 577, 602, 603
- comparative concept of the perfect
1, 2, 637
- historical-comparative semantics253
- of Albanian and Armenian514
- of Albanian and Germanic
510, 517, 518,
520, 521, 523,
- of Albanian and Greek
506, 514, 516,
519, 530
- of Albanian and Latin/Romance
506, 510, 513,
516, 518, 519,
521, 530, 535,
536, 537, 542,
- of Albanian and Slavic
200, 506, 510,
519, 545
- of Albanian and Turkic545
- of Aramaic and Arabic
327, 328, 330
- of Aramaic and Iranian
299, 312, 325–332, 344, 345
- of Armenian and Greek
353–356, 358–371
- of Armenian and Slavic
152, 153, 354
- of Armenian and Tocharian354
- of Baltic and Germanic
139, 147
- of Baltic and Slavic
129, 138, 139,
144, 151, 153,
156, 160–162, 164, 177, 185, 188, 189, 194, 196, 197, 200–204
- of Celtic and Germanic
52, 57–59, 66, 67, 69,
72–74, 76, 78, 90
- of Celtic and Latin/Romance
61, 73, 76–78, 84
- within Germanic
ch.4, ch.12
- of Germanic and Latin/Romance
109, 421, 599
- within (periods of) Greek
ch.13, ch.14
- of Greek and Germanic
414–417, 484, 493, 496, 497, 500, ch.18
- of Greek and Latin/Romance
486, 488, 489,
493, 500
- of Greek and Romance/Germanic
378, 381, 383,
389, 393, 395,
- of Hittite and Greek-Indo-Iranian
378, 382, 398
- within Indo-Iranian
ch.7, ch.8
- of Indo-Iranian and Greek
245, 246
- of Iranian and Germanic
295, 304
- of Iranian and Greekch.18
- of Iranian and Hittite295
- of Iranian and Romance295
- of Iranian and Turkic
299, 302
- of Romance and Arabic
603–605, 610
- of Slavic and Finno-Ugric
162, 189, 197,
200, 202
- of Slavic and Germanic
150, 154, 159,
160, 162–165, 180, 183, 187, 200, 203, 412–414, 416, 418–420, 424, 430
- of Slavic and Greek
156, 163, 167,
- of Slavic and Latin/Romance
150, 152, 154,
162, 181, 182,
200, 203
- of Tocharian and Baltic
226, 232
- of Tocharian and Greek
221, 226, 232
- of Tocharian and Indo-Aryan
226, 232
- of Tocharian and Latin216
- of Tocharian and Slavic
152, 221, 226,
232, 239
- typological ~
ch.1, ch.19
; see also contact
- completion
11, 74
- of an eventuality
10, 63, 76, 96, 116,
255, 258, 262,
266, 281, 290,
293, 296, 300,
301, 374, 375,
384, 393, 401–404, 418, 421, 449, 475, 515, 517, 529, 562, 624, 662
- completive
39, 50, 66, 91, 247,
; see also perfect readings, perfective
- compositional
96, 98, 102, 134, 136,
176, 191, 222,
232, 238, 241,
386, 391, 404,
- non- ~
135, 189, 215,
405, 406
- conceptual
- ~ moment
556, 557, 572,
573, 575
- conditional
35, 86, 493, 512
; see also clause types
- confessional realignment
591, 592, 610
- contact (linguistic)
2, 58, 108, 123, 148,
151, 157, 177,
180, 181, 188,
189, 196, 200–202, 305, 311, 312, 325, 327,
344, 483, 487,
489, 500, 591,
596, 601–603, 606–610
- language ~
74, 111, 118, 149, 302, 324
; see also comparison
- continuation
- continuative perfect
5, 17, 38, 72 (enduring state), 133, 141, 159, 236, 241, 248, 256, 259–268, 336, 370–375, 617, 635, 649, 655, 662
- continuing relevance
2, 5, 483, 484, 487,
493, 495, 497,
498, 630
- continuous
87, 279, 282, 293, 303, 304, 556
; see also perfect readings
- converb
153, 222, 225, 230, 241,
507, 510
- copula (cop)
31–38, 40,
61, 65, 114, 130, 152,
189, 281, 282,
288, 296–299, 304, 314–323, 325–328, 330–332, 335, 341–343, 346, 347, 351,
352, 357, 371,
374, 383, 386,
395, 404, 429,
610, 618, 620
- copular sentences
390, 394, 395
- copyingsee also borrowing
- counterfactual
127, 137, 192, 194, 372,
375, 493, 499,
530, 536, 537,
- current relevance
105, 106, 109, 110, 131,
132, 140, 141,
145, 156–158, 171, 187, 200,
218–220, 235,
236, 248–251, 256, 269–271, 347, 370–374, 382, 400, 483,
485, 487, 496,
497, 500, 608,
619, 620–625, 659
; see also perfect readings
- D-domain
249–251, 254,
- decategorisation
203, 204
- default
39, 69, 70, 87, 158,
200, 222, 440,
529, 561, 621,
- ~ nominal form
9, 150, 151, 177, 319–322, 396
- ~ tense
72, 76, 86, 133, 156,
490, 623, 629
- ~ verbal form
52, 124, 317
- defective (Df)
450, 451, 455, 456, 463–465, 578, 623
- definite
61, 104, 316, 345–347, 358, 371, 510
- ~ object
314, 316–318, 321, 322, 352, 369
- definiteness
66, 71, 106, 345, 414
; see also adverb(ial), indefinite
- defocalisation
294, 302, 311, 332–334, 336, 338–341, 345, 347
- delimitation
237, 238, 413, 466, 484
- deponent
38, 518, 519, 550, 551,
580, 581, 595–598
- detransitivising
441, 442, 449, 454, 458,
459, 466, 471,
- diachrony
4, 7, 106, 124, 145,
151, 215, 245,
- diachronic process
2, 141, 380
- dialectology
111–118, 188
- dialogue
56, 71, 107, 108, 338
- diathesis
3, 6, 7, 19, 24,
26, 33, 50, 78, 82,
88, 220, 368, 413, 419,
- ~ orientation
153, 166, 184–186, 201, 202, 458, 549
- diathetic lability
123, 160
; see also voice
- discontinuous past
135, 189, 192, 195, 196
- discourse mode
107, 108, 110
- discourse topic
183, 225–227, 333, 615–631
- topicalisation182see also information structure
- double perfectsee perfect
- durative
- ~ action(ality)
173, 300, 379,
417, 418, 601–605
- elaboration
- ~ of background information342
- ~ of topic
615–617, 625–627
- enclitic
183, 281, 298, 317, 325–328, 616
; see also clitic
- endpoint (inherent)
217, 233, 234, 382
; see also completion
- enduring state72see also perfect readings
- epicentres (linguistic)305
- epistemic
162, 343, 345–347, 617
- ergative
8, 33, 36, 152, 228,
314, 315, 320,
321, 324, 329,
- ~ alignment
7, 31, 32, 281
- erosionsee also attrition
- phonological ~
142, 203, 295
- evaluation time (t0)
17, 247, 250, 254, 261,
- event
- ~ structure
246, 248, 345,
347, 440, 449,
556, 567
- ~ time (tE)
106, 117, 230,
247, 254, 257,
261–263, 332–343, 346–348, 372, 572
- prior ~
332, 442, 446,
453, 484, 485,
487, 531, 549,
557, 581, 583
; see also argument, endpoint, predicate classes, situation type
- eventuality
439–442, 446–449, 461, 466, 474, 475, 484,
491, 493, 498,
555, 549, 556–558, 565–567, 570,
575, 585
; see also event
- evidential
6, 28, 39, 40, 126–128, 140, 161, 162, 183, 218,
236, 241, 274,
280, 302–304, 336, 345, 347,
- evidentiality
96, 134, 154, 245, 248,
273, 279, 593,
; see also admirative, indirect, inferential, mirative, mood, presupposition(al), renarrative,
reportativity, tense-aspect-mood(-evidentiality)
- existential
- ~ reading
259–264, 300, 334, 335, 345, 346, 505, 509, 522–527, 544
- ~ verb
124, 140, 142,
180, 255, 256,
- expansion
141, 152, 182, 184–186, 202, 203
- of the perfect
3, 5, 95, 102, 103,
106– 112, 117,
118, 438, 454,
457, 651, 653,
- experiencer
17, 67, 72, 82, 88,
90, 227, 229, 236
- experiential
5, 17, 27, 59, 72,
76, 111, 131, 134, 140,
141, 145, 147,
157, 158, 166,
168, 189, 191,
192, 200, 232,
241, 249, 256,
267, 324, 334,
485, 601
see also perfect readings
- negated ~ contexts
635, 654, 663
- extended now
248, 256, 333, 447, 649
- external argument
440, 447, 449, 458
- felicity condition
454, 460, 649
- finite
- ~ past tense
32, 33, 57, 157
- ~ verb
22, 51, 52, 89, 113,
114, 126, 152,
162, 200, 222,
231, 232, 281,
285, 298, 312,
377, 380, 381,
384, 386, 391–393, 484, 510, 512, 549, 551, 646
- non- ~
54, 82, 89, 128, 484,
510, 512
- non- ~ perfect
50, 87, 581
- focus
- discourse / syntactic ~
159, 182, 183,
225, 271, 311,
338, 339, 348
; see also defocalisation
- focused
- ~ participant
79, 81, 114, 153, 155,
201, 340, 389
- ~ time / (sub)eventuality
17, 63, 74, 101–106, 162, 179, 180, 236, 294, 302–303, 339, 371, 373, 389, 401, 403, 659
- forward-pointing device615
- fossilisation
153, 189, 195, 203, 470
; see also petrification
- frequency
55, 76, 102, 103, 106–108, 112, 115, 154, 155, 179,
184, 202, 228,
233, 395, 402,
450, 486, 493,
597–601, 636,
640, 643, 646–662
- future
- ~ perfect
6, 35, 96, 127, 129,
136, 140, 141,
146, 147, 149,
189, 197–200, 202, 304, 435, 512, 535, 550, 552, 557, 569–577, 584
- periphrastic ~
147, 197, 199
- futurum exactum
85, 162, 199
- genitive subject
351–353, 374
- Gothic ga-compound
412, 414–416
- grammatical relation
3, 6, 312
- grammaticalisation
2, 32, 38, 40, 52,
58, 64, 99–104, 107, 109, 114, 117,
118, 123, 139–142, 145, 182–184, 201–204, 215,
224, 241, 272,
282, 292, 379,
380, 387, 389,
392, 397, 404–406, 411, 413, 417–426, 429–431, 463, 486, 512,
518, 579, 599,
609, 635, 637,
645– 648, 651,
661, 662
- habitual
68, 77, 104, 110, 344,
347, 379, 400,
484, 605
- ~ past
86, 127, 345
; see also durative, imperfective, iterative
- habituality
303, 420, 429
- have-auxiliarysee auxiliary
- have-perfectivesee perfective
- highlighting
187, 226, 233, 266, 269,
285, 295, 367,
386, 399, 484,
516, 615, 616,
623, 629–631
- homogeneous (event structure)
- ~ atelic
440, 447–451, 461, 466, 474, 475
- bounded ~ atelic
469, 475
- ~ eventuality
439, 442, 475
- non- ~ non-COS
439, 446, 450–456, 463–465
- ~ predicates
442, 449, 469
; see also atelic, event
- hot news
132, 136, 156, 157, 220,
333, 602, 617
- iamitive
637, 644–648, 652, 655, 659,
661, 662
- illocutionary acts
176, 224
- imperative
127, 384, 393–407, 417, 454, 510–512, 544
- imperfective
- ~ aspect
96, 97, 155, 165, 200,
379, 411–413, 418–429
; see also durative, iterative, habitual
- impersonal
51, 67, 68, 78, 79,
83, 84, 127, 160, 367
- implicature
332, 334, 340, 366, 370,
443, 474, 509,
527, 558, 562,
- added ~
615, 616, 629–631
- inalienable possession139
- inanimate
187, 231
; see also animate
- inchoative
155, 232, 233, 416, 417,
- indeclinable participle
181, 182, 184, 203
- indefinite
104, 109, 248, 261, 267,
332–334, 345–347, 510, 520
- ~ (nominals)
227, 239, 390,
391, 593
- ~ object
66, 319, 322, 352, 367, 368, 520
- ~ subject
78, 79
; see also definite
- indirect
- ~ evidential
245, 246, 251
- ~ evidentiality
158–161, 200, 202, 251, 302
- ~ reference point
311, 345
- ~ remote past habitual345
- ~ yes/no questions
535, 536
- inferential38
- ~ past
40, 248, 264, 271, 272, 303
- ~ reading
39, 40, 127, 140, 141,
161, 197, 198,
251, 264–267, 271
; see also evidential
- infinitive (inf)
36, 37, 53, 76, 112–115, 128, 152, 199, 229, 299,
354, 355, 436,
493–500, 507,
510, 512, 519,
549, 551, 559,
577, 578, 583,
584, 624, 627
- information structure
183, 190, 203, 338
; see also discourse topic
- ingestive verb
155, 177, 184
- innovation
2, 7, 9, 10, 12,
15, 16, 20, 23, 24,
29, 34, 40, 108, 152,
194, 220, 256,
283, 325, 384,
487, 488, 495,
576, 595, 597,
602, 603, 607–610
- intensive perfect
17, 25, 26, 28, 442
- interface
- lexical-grammatical aspect ~412
- semantics-pragmatics ~558
- internal argument
440, 445, 447, 449, 466
- interrogative
51, 57, 317, 593
- intransitive
- ~ construction
7, 324, 466
- ~ participle
126, 129, 152,
179, 180, 182,
187, 387, 392,
393, 396, 398,
403, 424–426
- ~ past / preterite
33, 34, 37
- ~ perfect
6, 8, 11, 17, 20,
24, 38, 77,
102, 141, 155,
172, 292, 315,
316, 323, 324,
330, 331, 352,
357, 374, 388,
420, 425, 466,
518, 520
- ~ perfective
315, 316, 323,
330, 331
- ~ subject
7, 281, 313, 314, 319, 321, 351, 353, 357, 466
- ~ verb
12, 226, 295, 382–389, 396, 421, 422, 431, 441, 514, 519, 623
; see also transitive, unaccusative, unergative
- iterative
- ~ semantics
164, 166, 447,
531, 603, 605,
- gnomic ~429see also durative, imperfective, habitual
- lability
17, 26, 123, 160, 184,
226, 445, 447,
458, 459, 466,
- language-specific
2, 96, 102, 246, 641
- lexical
- ~ aspect
96, 98, 101, 104, 112,
378, 381, 412,
413, 418–424, 430, 431
- ~ input
123, 126, 131,
138, 141, 149,
153, 166, 175,
176, 180, 186–188, 201–204, 217, 287
; see also actionality
- lexicalisation
9, 24, 27, 73, 231–233, 356, 393, 412, 413, 470,
578, 580, 649
- loan verbs180see also borrowing
- localistic reading
64, 66, 81
- location
65, 201
- ~ -pattern / schema
153, 202, 380
- temporal ~
106, 156, 333,
- l-participle
35, 40, 149–152, 156, 162, 166, 179,
183, 186, 192–194, 199, 200, 203, 607, 608
- long form
149, 152, 157,
161, 169, 172,
- merger
5, 27–30, 37, 66, 80,
216, 283, 462,
469, 475, 485–487, 513, 518, 550, 551
- middle/medium
16–30, 220,
226, 239, 406,
411, 448, 512
- protomiddle
25, 26
; see also non-active, voice
- mirative
161, 303, 339, 340, 345,
347, 615, 619–623, 631
; see also admirative
- monolectic (perfect / pluperfect)
ch.2, 462, 485, 486, 488,
; see also analytic(al), synthetic
- mood
34, 51, 52, 87, 96,
130, 223, 241,
304, 403, 484,
518, 549
; see also evidential(ity), imperative, optative, subjunctive,
- morphosyntactic integrity
142, 143, 203
- motion verbs
36, 360, 391
- multidimensional scaling (mds)
641–643, 647–653
- multilingual researchch.19
- narration
72, 107, 108, 110, 168,
170, 219, 291,
302, 341
- narrative
- ~ context
59, 111, 134, 168, 174, 251, 491, 541, 560
- ~ text
107, 507, 514,
- ~ use of the auxiliary
161, 183
- lack of use of the perfect in ~
109, 160, 168,
172, 259
- use of the aorist / perfective in ~
71, 156, 168, 170, 174, 220
- use of the participle in ~357
- use of the perfect in ~
28, 56, 108, 110, 111,
135, 170, 173,
174, 272, 273,
341, 342, 347,
471–475, 552, 559, 562, 567, 608, 615, 616, 619, 620, 623, 626, 629–631
; see also aoristic perfect
- use of the pluperfect in ~
134, 628
- use of the preterite / simple past in ~
57, 59, 60, 72, 200,
- negated
61, 62, 137, 144, 340,
416, 523
; see also experiential
- negation
57, 144, 145, 151, 158,
340, 390, 393,
395, 416, 422,
449, 508, 593
- negative
51, 61, 147, 284, 340,
380, 390, 416,
530, 564, 593,
- nominal sentence
386, 393–395, 521
- nominative
125, 150, 152, 153, 162,
175, 187, 222,
228, 229, 312,
313, 329, 332,
351, 352, 357,
390, 396, 397
- non-active
39, 435, 440–442, 447, 449, 454, 456–461, 466, 468, 470, 471, 508,
512, 518–520, 538, 551, 561
; see also middle, voice
- object
- ~ orientation
27, 139, 156, 184, 186, 201
; see also patient
- direct ~
11, 67, 154, 179, 318,
369, 382, 390,
393, 397, 398,
443, 444, 452,
486, 509, 520,
521, 599
- objective resultative
126, 124, 129, 130, 153,
154, 160, 162–164, 176, 184–187, 202, 369
; see also result(ative)
- oblique
- ~ (case)
7, 8, 32, 150, 222,
324, 351
- ~ suffix
312–315, 317, 324, 329
- optative
19–21, 28,
86, 222, 259, 510–512, 534, 537
- orientation
217, 225, 226, 250, 264,
267, 269, 398,
see also agent, diathesis, patient, subject, voice
- discourse-orientation
132, 169
- event-oriented
175, 186, 200,
- origo
67, 183
; see also anchoring
- paradigmatisation
215, 435, 454, 457, 458,
461, 463, 466
- participle
- uninflected ~
180, 182, 186
- pronominal form
150, 152
; see also l-participle
- passive
- ~ periphrasis
83, 389, 391, 426, 429
- stative ~
130, 429, 431,
; see also result(ative)see also depassivisation, periphrasis, synthetic, voice
- past
- ~ active participle (pap)
139, 142, 145,
153, 161, 593,
606, 607, 610
- ~ participle
30, 31, 34, 35, 53,
56, 60, 77,
83, 96, 97,
101, 124, 125,
126, 134, 138,
216, 221, 226,
281, 373, 383,
413, 418–421, 423–427, 429–431, 493, 505, 507, 510–512, 518–521, 532, 539–545, 593, 618
- ~ passive participle (ppp)
153, 597, 607,
- ~ perfect
96, 99, 116, 117, 129,
134, 137, 140,
141, 189, 303,
304, 335, 343,
344, 347, 422,
424, 429, 511,
529–536, 538–540, 552, 569, 570, 618, 646
; see also pluperfect
- ~ perfective
2, 40, 99, 103–105, 109, 279, 283, 285, 286, 293–301, 305, 306, 312–317, 324–326, 328, 343, 345, 461, 483, 500, 564, 583, 584, 653
- discontinuous ~
135, 189, 192,
195, 196
- relative ~
2, 483, 487, 491–493, 495, 498–501, 515, 529, 569
- remote ~
215, 237, 238,
267, 272, 273,
301, 304, 311,
341–345, 347, 485, 497
- simple ~
5, 32, 39, 59, 60,
69–72, 86, 96, 105, 129,
132, 133, 136,
140, 147, 247,
263, 269, 270,
279, 286, 291,
299, 335, 421,
422, 484, 490,
500, 558, 624,
645, 654, 657
; see also analytic(al), retrospective, synthetic
- patient
1, 6, 7, 18, 24,
31–33, 82,
124, 152, 155,
160, 162, 184,
226, 354, 367,
369, 382, 389,
440, 468
- ~ (P)-orientation
18, 24, 31, 33, 124,
226–230, 386, 387, 388, 391, 398, 399, 404–406
; see also object
- P-oriented stative construction245
- pattern-borrowing
164, 180, 181, 185, 203
- P-domain
249–251, 254,
256–258, 263–271, 273
- perception
- verbs of ~
68, 444, 445, 619, 620, 623, 631
- perfect (category)
- PIE ~
15–27, 153, 220, 378, 411, 414
- perfect (formations)
- ~ active stem
438, 450, 454,
455, 458, 464,
466, 471
- ~ infinitive
549, 577, 578,
- ~ participle (prf.p)
30, 31, 33–35, 153, 226, 281, 298, 441, 447, 580, 581, 584, 640, 649
- ~ participle (prf.p) construction
281–286, 290, 292, 299, 302
- ~ passive participle (ppp)
82, 486, 488, 492, 497, 500, 501
- ~ periphrasissee periphrasis
- analytic ~
96, 98, 112, 114, 259,
260, 384, 412,
419, 420, 423,
424, 551, 581
- be- ~
2, 8, 10, 11, 36,
37, 77, 87,
96, 101, 123,
124, 193, 283,
383, 395, 425,
487, 488, 491,
501, 505, 512,
518, 519, 525,
532, 544, 592–601, 610, 649
- double ~
75, 95, 115–117, 162, 279, 280, 301–303
- exist- ~
294, 296, 297
; see also existential verb
- future ~
6, 35, 96, 127, 129,
136, 140, 141,
146, 147, 149,
189, 197–200, 202, 304, 435, 512, 535, 550, 552, 557, 569–577, 584
- have- ~ (P2)
1, 2, 8, 9, 36–39, 49, 52–60, 62–82, 85, 87–90, 96, 101, 102, 123,
158, 159, 181,
186, 187, 236,
295, 325, 391,
419, 420, 425,
431, 488, 489,
501, 505, 512,
518, 519, 532,
538, 539, 541,
544, 545, 591–593, 595–597, 599, 600, 606, 610, 649
- inverted univerbated ~ (iup)
507, 538–545
- possessive ~
138, 140, 142,
176, 203, 593,
- stay- ~
283, 292–294, 297
- synthetic ~
ch.7, 551, 559, 567, 569, 577, 578, 581, 582, 599, 649
- perfectum
29, 293, 549–552
; see also past, present
- perfect (readings)
- ~ continuous
280, 303, 304
- continuative / universal ~
5, 17, 38, 72 (enduring state), 133, 141, 159, 236, 241, 248, 256, 259–268, 336, 370–375, 617, 635, 649, 655, 662
- experiential ~
96, 101, 137, 173, 180, 215, 218, 236, 335
- hot news ~
132, 136, 156,
157, 220, 333,
602, 617
- persistent-situation reading
510, 527, 533
- property reading
383, 399, 403
; see also completive, current relevance, existential
- perfective
- ~ aspect
49, 64, 96, 116, 117,
200, 299, 302,
336, 337, 341,
411–421, 426, 429–431, 553–565, 584, 624
- reduplicated ~27see also aorist, completive
- periphrasis / periphrastic
5, 29, 31, 34, 35,
49–53, 57,
59, 60, 64, 65, 77,
83–87, 91,
124, 125, 128,
167, 225, 385,
401, 420, 427,
429, 483, 486–495, 510, 518, 618
- ~ construction
18, 29, 33, 36, 37,
40, 50, 52,
142, 204, 215,
246, 378–380, 389, 394, 411, 413, 418, 423–426, 431, 436, 437, 490, 497, 500, 598, 609, 648, 649
- ~ form
2, 52, 145, 198, 377,
379, 381, 411,
- ~ passive
70, 83, 377, 383, 388,
389, 391, 402–405, 426, 429
- ~ perfect
7, 15, 33, 36, 50,
52, 129, 354,
ch.11, 425, 431,
486, 591, 597–599, 602, 605, 608
- petrification
281, 536
; see also fossilisation
- pluperfect
6, 18–21, 27, 28, 35,
56, 66, 73, 89, 96,
111, 134–136, 146, 162, 174,
189–196, 200,
202, 215, 217,
237, 238, 241,
284, 289, 294,
297, 301–304, 343, 351, 352,
362, 364, 371–375, 393, 401, 435, 436, 445,
448, 454, 483–501, 505, 528, 529, 544, 545,
559, 570, 576,
628, 645, 646,
see also past perfect
- infinitival ~
493–495, 500
- periphrastic ~
402–406, 425, 491, 493, 495
- supercompound ~
190, 194, 195
- possession
62, 65, 73, 129, 140–142, 176, 177, 202, 203, 368,
380, 421, 601,
- predicative ~
138, 153, 154
- possessive resultativesee result(ative)
- possessor
65, 140, 153, 228, 369,
421, 423
- posteriority
67, 85, 86, 198, 508
- postsituation
557, 564, 570, 572
; see also eventuality, situation type
- poststate
549, 557, 567, 568, 572,
575, 578, 579,
; see also eventuality, result(atitive)
- pp-constructionsee preterite
- Präteritumschwundsee preterite loss
- predel’nost’see delimitation
- predicate
- ~ classessee accomplishment, achievement, activity, argument, atelic, atomic predicates, bounded
homogeneous atelic, result(ative), telic, unaccusative, unergative, valency
- two-place ~
225, 226, 351,
365, 440, 445–447
- predicative
139, 152, 153, 163, 164,
187, 218, 222,
224, 232, 325,
490, 581
- ~ adjective
125, 130, 238,
- ~ construction
100, 318, 329,
- ~ possession
138, 153, 154
- prefixsee also preverb
- ga/gi- ~
96, 98, 117, 411, 413–420, 423, 430, 431
; see also Gothic ga-compound
- imperfective / atelic ~
129, 298, 304,
- perfective / telic ~
91, 173, 287, 299, 411, 413, 414, 416
- tense marking ~
32, 52, 327, 435, 658
- prefixation
5, 51, 52, 413, 414–418, 423, 640
- preposition(al)
2, 49, 53, 68, 80,
84, 88, 171, 233, 651
- ~ phrase (prepp)
54, 62, 65, 67, 74,
82, 87, 312
- present
- ~ perfect
20, 28, ch.4, 129–141, 160, 167, 170, 181–191, 219, 247, 248, 256, 271, 294, 315, 333, 335, 344, 347, 381–384, ch.15, 552, 559–575, 584, 615–626, 631, 655
- ~ state
136, 251, 254,
260, 266, 269,
359, 360, 362,
366, 368, 403,
416, 438, 519,
; see also retrospective
- presupposition(al)
174, 303, 304, 311, 338–340, 345–348
- preterite
22, 24, 27–30, 32–34, 39, 50, 55–57, 60, 62,
63, 66–69, 75–77, 83, 96–99, 105–114, 215–217, 219, 220, 222, 238–241, 282, 302, 378, 384, 395,
402–404, 413,
416, 421, 608
- ~ auxiliary
67, 217, 237–239, 384, 393, 394, 401, 403
- ~ loss
95, 106, 110–115, 117
- ~ participle (pret.p)
216–218, 222–239, 241
- ~ construction
216–218, 225, 230, 231, 233, 235–237, 241
- synthetic ~
60, 601, 602, 605
- preterito-presents
29, 414
; see also aorist
- preverb
90, 52, 287, 345, 390,
395, 414, 536
- primary endings
19, 20, 26, 414
- proclitic 76see also clitic
- progressive
89, 96, 110, 281, 305,
447, 485, 511
- ~ aspect
26, 52, 74, 79, 86
- ~ form(ation)
80, 89, 96, 115, 294,
299, 487
- quantifying expression
151, 177, 178, 218
- reanalysis
98, 153, 175, 281, 299,
324, 328, 329,
413, 414, 431,
- recency
5, 56, 156
- recent past
27, 54, 55, 58, 59,
74, 75, 96,
101, 132, 272,
333–335, 496, 528, 544, 601, 659
- recent past reading
39, 50, 83, 510, 517,
544, 657, 658
- reconstruction
15, 16, 19, 22, 23,
26, 106, 152, 245, 251,
253, 329, 378,
382, 397, 411,
413, 414
- reduplicated
19, 23, 26, 30, 220,
- reduplication
2, 18, 19, 22–30, 219, 220, 226,
442, 444, 550
- reference time
73, 85, 96, 98, 100,
105, 106, 116,
129, 131, 134,
146, 172, 174,
215, 230, 238,
240, 241, 247,
248, 254, 255,
257, 261–263, 267, 300, 341–343, 346, 357, 372, 382, 435,
552, 554, 602,
645, 654, 655
- reflexive
155, 354, 394, 512
- register
60, 172, 190, 193, 194,
435, 438, 462,
474, 475, 486–488, 490, 491, 493
; see also spoken / written language
- Reichenbach
247, 413, 422
- Reichenbachian
311, 346, 372
- neo-Reichenbachian
248, 250
; see also event / reference / speech / topic / utterance time
- relativesee also clause types, past, tense
- ~ pronoun
239, 515 (particle), 593
- reportativity
40, 126, 127, 134, 161,
538, 615, 620,
623, 625, 626,
629, 631
; see also evidentiality
- restatements
615, 616, 625, 631
; see also elaboration
- result(ative)
- ~ participle
160, 201, 215,
312, 316–319, 327, 579
- ~ perfect
38, 62, 123, 150, 157,
172, 200, 203,
215, 218, 241,
283–285, 288, 292, 296, 305, 370, 509
- ~ reading
147, 163, 254,
260, 262, 265–268, 281, 294, 383, 400, 412, 438, 509, 517, 520, 521
- ~ state
17, 164, 178, 226, 236, 332, 346, 488, 496, 557, 579, 581, 582, 605
- cancelled (annulled) ~
135, 141, 146,
190, 194
- non- ~
7, 12, 17, 200, 203,
370, 382
- possessive ~
124, 125, 138–140, 184, 368, 369, 375, 606–609
- stative- ~
17, 18, 27, 35, 246,
253, 386, 400,
- P-oriented stative construction245
- target state
195, 351, 357,
364, 365, 369–373, 449
- T-state
439, 440, 449
; see also antiresultative, postsituation, poststate
- resultativity
2–4, 9,
12, 176, 192, 291, 304,
521, 581
- retrospective
17, 27–29, 36, 40, 96–105, 109, 110, 116, 174
- ~ past / preterite
27, 28, 35, 98–101
- ~ present
17, 31, 35, 96–100, 103, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 116
- root
- ~ stem
21, 22, 27, 31, 455,
458, 464, 468
- SAEsee Standard Average European
- scope
61, 128, 144, 218, 265,
267, 340, 519
- semantic(s)
- ~ change
218, 232, 267,
456, 474
- ~ classes3see also eventuality, predicate / verb classes
- ~ extension
95, 99, 105, 106, 233,
236, 241
- ~ role
3, 6, 165, 369, 381
- ~ shift
15, 104, 107, 108, 115, 295
- semantics-pragmatics interface558
- sentential complementation89
- situation type
158, 555
; see also eventuality, postsituation
- small clausesee clause types
- speech act
56, 157, 171, 203, 617,
- speech time (tS)
5, 96, 103, 105, 107,
134, 146, 230,
240, 241, 247,
248, 250, 251,
254–256, 258,
333, 334, 336,
339, 340, 342,
343, 346, 364,
372, 374, 400,
509, 510, 516,
517, 526, 527,
530, 534, 537,
540, 616, 655
- spoken language
58, 62, 73, 104, 108,
109, 491, 653
- stage setting 135see also narrative
- standard
- ~ Average European (SAE)
51, 81, 82, 88, 175,
519, 597
- ~ variety
52, 108, 110, 111, 112, 117, 202, 644
- substandard
95, 115, 116
; see also register
- state
- ~ predicates
248, 256, 442,
443, 449, 469,
556, 557, 563,
565–567, 572, 573, 575, 577–579, 581, 582
; see also patient, poststate, present
- stative passim; see result(ative)
- subject
- ~ orientation
27, 28, 139, 152, 160,
177, 184–186, 201, 203, 368
- intransitive ~
7, 281, 313, 314, 319, 321, 351, 353, 357, 466
- transitive ~
7, 8, 226, 227, 228,
229, 281, 230,
313, 317, 319,
322, 351, 352,
357, 367
; see also agent
- subjective
55, 216, 250, 273, 484
- ~ resultative
124, 129, 139,
154, 155, 182,
184, 185, 188,
202, 369
- subjunctive
19, 30, 35, 37, 127,
137, 220–224, 241, 299, 511,
512, 534–541, 549, 559, 561,
- subordinate clausesee clause types
- suffix
- participial ~
30, 124, 126, 145, 286, 287, 290, 387, 618
- -eal
153, 352–355, 373, 374
- *-ka-
32, 281–287, 290, 291, 296, 298, 618
- -l-
35, 40, 149–166, 179, 183–186, 192–194, 199–206, 607, 608
- *-ló-
33, 35, 152, 161, 354,
- -n/t-
149–166, 171, 172, 180–188, 201, 204, 607
- *-tó-
7, 18, 31, 35, 281,
- -vši-
149–160, 184–188, 194–204
- *-wos-/-wes-/-us-
24, 31, 33–35, 153, 201, 226
- stem forming ~
19, 21, 31, 40, 294,
- verbal ~
21, 22, 37, 51, 112,
216, 220, 286,
312–318, 320–325, 329–331, 337, 379, 640
- suppletion
51, 216, 255, 287, 320,
457, 514
- synthetic
- ~ past / preterite
32, 60, 77, 112, 156,
601, 602, 605
- ~ (past / future) perfect
ch.7, 551, 559, 567, 569, 577, 578, 581, 582, 599, 649
- ~ verbal system
60, 114, 170, 505, 545
; see also analytic(al), monolectic
- telic
- ~ eventuality
17, 165, 401, 440, 475
- ~ predicates
253, 259, 422,
555, 565
- ~ verbs
18, 36, 70, 101, 102,
129, 141, 157,
178, 180, 185,
186, 195, 200,
203, 204, 217,
234, 332, 360,
374, 382, 387,
398, 402–405, 418, 426–429
- ~ readings
414, 419–421, 423, 427
- telicity
96, 217, 386, 412––431, 555
- temporal adverb(ial)see adverb(ial)
- temporal clausesee clause types
- tense
- ~ prominence
615, 616, 624,
; see also aspect prominence
- relative ~
6, 333, 371, 375, 491, 495, 508, 529, 569
- sequence of tenses
240, 559–562
- tense-aspect-mood(-evidentiality) TAM(E)
52, 76, 78, 224, 380,
510–512, 514,
518, 635–638
- terminative
351, 357, 358, 364, 365,
374, 382, 411,
416, 417, 566
- time adverb(ial)see adverb(ial)
- time-relational framework
247, 248, 257
- topic (discourse)see discourse topic
- topic time (tt)
63, 230, 237, 238, 293,
435–451, 465,
470, 474, 475,
549, 554, 554,
557, 558, 562–567, 585, 569–585
- transition
- (in grammatical development)
106, 110, 111,
186, 234, 235,
263, 265, 325,
- (in event structure)
496, 555–557
- transitive
- ~ auxiliary
36, 125, 138, 392, 393
- ~ clause / predicate
314, 317, 318,
328, 422
- ~ participle / verbal adjective
18, 24, 31, 34, 82,
129, 152, 160,
179, 180–185, 228, 229, 287, 377, 386–388, 391, 397–399, 405, 406, 426, 429
- ~ past / preterite
34, 36, 37
- ~ perfect
6, 8, 11, 12, 17,
24, 27, 31–34, 36, 38, 77, 84, 101,
102, 140, 141,
172, 292, 295,
315, 316, 319–323, 330, 331, 352, 357, 365–369, 374, 375, 382, 393, 402, 441, 445, 454, 467–469, 473, 475, 518, 520, 610
- ~ perfective
315, 316, 323,
324, 331, 332
- ~ verb
67, 178, 226, 314, 354, 391, 404, 431, 514
; see also ambitransitive, intransitive, subject
- unaccusative
6–10, 36,
246, 313–319, 323, 329–332, 351, 358, 388,
391–394, 398–406, 420, 424, 440, 488, 489,
; see also ergative
- unergative
8–11, 34,
37, 295, 313, 314, 320,
322, 391–393, 397, 399, 402,
404, 406
- univerbation
39, 40, 507, 538, 539,
- universal
- ~ perfect
5, 17, 38, 72 (enduring state), 133, 141, 159, 236, 241, 248, 256, 259–268, 336, 370–375, 617, 635, 649, 655, 662
- (linguistic) universals
2, 99, 246, 248, 427
; see also perfect readings
- utterance time (tu)
33, 45, 178, 295, 435,
465, 549, 551,
554, 562–568, 573, 577–585
- valency
126, 160, 381
- valence alternations3see also argument, zero-place verb
- variability
123, 183, 204
- Vendlerian predicate types555
- Vendlerian activity
422, 425
- Vendlerian state232see also verb / predicate classes
- verb(al)
- ~ adjective (va)
18, 31, 35, 53, 56,
62, 65, 66,
72, 80, 82,
86, 152, 188,
281, 354, 396,
436, 620
- ~ classes
3, 68, 88, 154, 228,
; see also accomplishment, achievement, actional, activity, atelic, telic, state, unaccusative,
- ~ noun (vn)
2, 39, 53, 54, 59–61, 76, 80, 82, 87–90, 299, 373, 594
- ~ system
15, 23, 52, 64, 73,
77, 85, 129,
245, 257, 279,
280, 284, 311,
312, 332, 378,
411–413, 483, 500, 505, 507, 510, 534, 538, 544, 545
- viewpoint
96, 115, 347, 417, 484
- ~ aspect
412–414, 418–421, 430, 554, 557
- voice
3, 7, 77, 82, 201,
226, 380, 388,
413, 420, 484,
512, 549, 551
- ~ orientation
123, 152, 154,
160, 354
- active ~
166, 200, 388,
430, 431, 518,
- passive ~
3, 324, 431, 521
; see also diathesis, neo-active
- word order
182, 224, 383, 386, 390,
391, 518, 522,
- written language
108, 111, 638, 663
- zero-place verb
126, 141, 142