Prehistory, History and Historiography of Language, Speech, and Linguistic Theory
Papers in honor of Oswald Szemerényi I
This collection of papers deals primarily with topics in general linguistics, including history of linguistic science. The volume is divided in 5 parts: I. Origin and Prehistory of Language, II. Historiography of Linguistics, III. Phonology and Phonetic Change, IV. Morphology and Syntax, and V. Socio-Neurolinguistics and Multilingualism.
[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 64] 1992. x, 414 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 10 October 2011
Published online on 10 October 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Dedication | p. v
preface | p. vii
Table of contents | p. ix
I. Origin and prehistory of language
1. Die sprache im Schöpfungsbericht der biblischen genesisHans-Martin Gauger | p. 3
2. Wurzeln, Etyma und wörter. Wege und Irrwege auf der suche nach ursprachen und sprachursprungHelmut Gipper | p. 15
3. Some thoughts on the prehistory of languageRobert H. Robins | p. 39
4. Problemi di preistoria e protostoria linguistica dell’EurasiaDomenico Silvestri | p. 51
II. Historiography of linguistics
1. The basic principles of modern sentence theory in the works of a transylvanian polymath in the 19th centuryJános Balázs | p. 63
2. Toward a history of Americanist linguistic. With special reference to the study of Algonquian languagesE.F.K. Koerner | p. 73
3. Notes on Saussure as an Indo-Europeanist and phoneticistAldo Luigi Prosdocimi and Maria Pia Marchese | p. 89
4.“… without a philospher we won’t get anywhere”, an unpublished letter by N.S. Trubetskoy to Dmitrij ČiževskijJindřich Toman | p. 113
III. Phonology and phonetic change
1. Traits distinctifs dynamiquesIvan Fónagy | p. 133
2. Marginalien zum problem der relativen chronologieRoberto Gusmani | p. 143
3. Isoglosses: Artifactual or real?Mieko Ogura and William S-Y. Wang | p. 153
4. Theories of rule application in generative phonologyRobert M. Vago | p. 183
IV. Morphology and syntax
1. Remarks on passive morphologyPaul Kent Andersen | p. 207
2. Topikalisierungen im altpersischenMichael Back | p. 241
3. Textlinguistische aspekte der hauptsatz/nebensatz-Unterscheidung des DeutschenMichael Schecker | p. 269
4. Towards the problem of the wordVladimir A. Zvegintsev | p. 331
V. Socio-neurolinguistics and multilingualism
1. Studies on the “speechless man”: the case of speech automatismsGerhard Blanken, Jürgen Dittmann and Claus-W. Wallesch | p. 339
2. Multilingualismus und sprachliche störungen. Physiologische, aphasiologische und linguistische aspekteBela Brogyanyi | p. 359
3. The interface of sociolinguistics and neurolinguistics: toward a theory of socio-neurolinguisticsFred C.C. Peng | p. 379
Index of authors | p. 399
Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Blanc, Alain & Charles de Lamberterie
Koerner, Konrad & Kofi K. Saah
1992. Publications received / Ouvrages reçus / Eingegangene schriften. Historiographia Linguistica 19:1 ► pp. 199 ff. 
[no author supplied]
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Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General