Comparative-Historical Linguistics
Indo-European and Finno-Ugric
Papers in honor of Oswald Szemerényi III
This volume offers an important contribution to the comparative historical study of languages. Most of the articles deal with topics concerning the Indo-European proto-language as well as the individual languages descended from it. Essays in Finno-Ugric philology complete the volume. The book is divided in 8 sections: I. Indo-European, II. Anatolian, III. Indic, IV. Iranian and Armenian, V. Celtic, VI. Germanic Languages, VII. Slavic and Albanian, VIII. Fennougrica and Altaica.
[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 97] 1993. xii, 566 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Dediacation | p. v
Preface | p. vii
table of contents | p. ix
I. Indo-European
1. Formes de la racine *dei- ‘briller avec rotation’Françoise Bader | p. 3
2. Zur vorgeschichte der idg. DichterformelnEnrico Campanile | p. 61
3. Modal auxiliaries in proto-Indo-EuropeanJohn R. Costello | p. 73
4. Sur les verbes fréquentatifs et causatifs en Indo-EuropéenLouis Deroy | p. 91
5. Periphrastica homerohittitovedicaGeorge Dunkel | p. 103
6. On Indoeuropean laryngeals after word-initial s-Henry M. Hoenigswald | p. 119
7. Réflexions sur le “neutre”indo-européenAndré Martinet | p. 123
8. Monophthongization as the easing of an articulatory burdenWilliam R. Schmalstieg | p. 129
9. The indo-European vowels /a/ and /o/ revisitedFrancisco Villar | p. 139
II. Anatolian
1. Luvio geroglifico MU-RU-WA-TÀ-ZAMassimo Poetto | p. 163
2. The anatolian and INdo-European fisrt person pluralAndrew L. Sihler | p. 171
3. Reflexe der H-laute im AnatolischenRobert Schmitt-Brandt | p. 187
III. Indic
1. Rats, mice, and other small rodents in the Indian linguistic areaMurray B. Emeneau | p. 197
2. Zur wurzel il im Sanskrit und PaliHarry Falk | p. 203
3. A critical examination of some early sanskrit passages alleged to indicate dialectal diversityHans Henrich Hock | p. 217
4. Word formation in Gipsy languagesJózsef Vekerdi | p. 233
IV. Iranian and Armenian
1. Calques iraniens en arménienGiancarlo Bolognesi | p. 247
2. The Armenian suffixes of iranian originGevork B. Jahukian | p. 257
3. Die goldschmiede im achiamenidischen Susa zu einem alten problem in der Inschrift DSfRüdiger Schmitt | p. 271
V. Celtic
1. The old Irish imperfect indicativeAnders Ahlqvist | p. 281
2. The etymology of old Irish torc ‘boar’Kim R. McCone | p. 291
3. Gall. @, pitt. @, ant. irl. — Det(i)chetFilippo Motta | p. 293
VI. Germanic langauges
1. Bast und Bastard: ein versuch zu einer ungeklärten wortgruppeErnst S. Dick | p. 307
2. Paradigm regularization and the VerschärfungR.D. Fulk | p. 341
3. OE sîd and stund in the old Germanic and Indo-European environmentKurt R. Jankowsky | p. 353
4. Braht und Brand. Zum althochdeutschen HildebrandliedHeinz Klingenberg | p. 407
5. Variationen über das thema BirgittaPiergiuseppe Scardigli | p. 469
VII. Slavic and Albanian
1. The Slavic i-verbs with an excursus on the Indo-European ē-verbsJens Elmegård Rasmussen | p. 475
2. Über die form des Gen.-Dat. Pl. im Albanischen. Zur methode der vergleichenden sprachforschung | p. 489
VIII. Fenno-Ugrica and Altaica
1. The character and the scale of Turkic influence on the structure of Finno-Ugric languagesGábor Bereczki | p. 509
2. Lexical innovations of the Volga-Finnic epochGyula Décsy | p. 521
3. Rückblick auf die geschichte der lautbezeichnung der finnisch-ugrischen sprachenGyörgy Lakó | p. 529
4. Das Karpatenbecken zur Zeit der ungarischen langnahmeGyula László | p. 539
5. Beitrage zu den iranischen lehnwörtern der uralischen sprachenKároly Rédei | p. 549
6. HullabalooDenis Sinor | p. 553
Index of authors | p. 559
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General