Chapter 6
Enacting the tween news viewer
Supernytt and its audience
Norway’s public service provider, NRK, delivers daily news for tweens through Supernytt. Employing the concepts of mutual enactment, assemblages, and multiplicity, this chapter explores the elusive interdependencies of children’s news and its viewers. Through textual analysis of Supernytt and interviews with tweens, the text and children’s utterances are pushed and pulled in and out of focus to explore enactments of “the tween news viewer”. The authors find that both the text and children themselves take part in multiple enactments of the tween news viewer and argue that the conceptual framework used aids in exploring the constantly unfolding interdependencies of children and media.
Article outline
- Conceptual framework: An open-ended approach to childhood and media
- Methodological framework: Moving actors in and out of focus
- Enactments of the tween news viewer
- Between text and viewers
- Concluding discussion
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