Table of contents
List of figures and tables
Chapter 1.Ethics, epistemologies, and relational ontologies in researching children’s cultures
Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak
Macarena García-González
Cluster 1.New materialist readings of children’s cultural texts
Chapter 2.Transcorporeality in 21st-century mermaid tales
Chapter 3.Messy assemblages: Interplay of the organic and the inorganic in children’s toy stories
Chapter 4.Exploring animality and childhood in stop-motion animation Prokofiev’s Peter & the Wolf
Chapter 5.Childhood and its afterlives: Spectrality and haunting in children’s literature
Cluster 2.Relational approaches in empirical research on children’s cultures
Chapter 6.Enacting the tween news viewer: Supernytt and its audience
Linn C. Lorgen
Ingvild Kvale Sørenssen
Chapter 7.Dynamics of age and power in a children’s literature research assemblage
Chapter 8.Research with children, weeds, and a book: An after-childhood perspective
Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak
Chapter 9.Fabric with feeling: Materiality, memory, and affect in Nina Sabnani’s Mukand and Riaz
Cluster 3.After-children’s culture studies
Chapter 10.Down the back of a chair: What does a method of scrabbling with Le Guin’s “Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction” offer conceptualizations of “the child” in the Anthropocene?
Victoria de Rijke
Jayne Osgood
Chapter 11.Weird readings and little machines: Against reading engagement
Chapter 12.Literature and culture studies in classrooms: From petrification to spark
Afterword: New materialist insights for the text-based scholar