Subject index
- advertising10, 27, 38, 124, 162,
174, 192, 213
- African-American activism12, 278–280,
- A Is for Africa (Bond)287–293
- Anashim ba-midbar (Ben-Yizrael & Farkash)262
- avant-garde9, 97–100,
105, 129–131, 140, 147–150, 211
- ballon rouge, Le (Lamorisse)236
- Basque Children in England, The (Tudor-Hart)215–218, 221
- Bauhaus9, 13, 146–148, 156–157, 211–213
- Black Art movement15, 275, 280–288
- Black Book, The (Morrison)291–293
- Black and White Lies (Henning)68
- Bullermax (Beseler & Rimkus)235–239, 243,
248, 250–251
- Cappuccetto giallo (Munari)156–158
- Chetyre kontsa (Marshak, Tsekhanovsky & Petrovich)117–118
- childhood1–5, 12, 14–15, 26, 33, 38, 44–63, 126–127, 151,
161, 221–222, 226, 232–234, 255, 257, 259, 262–264, 276, 280–282
- childhood photography4, 233
- Children of all Lands (Brandeis)171–178, 181–182, 186
- Children of the World (Riwkin-Brick)186, 255
- Chinese Boy and Girl, The (Headland)46
- Chinese Pictures (Bishop)48, 59–63
- Chto eto takoe (Griuntal & Iablonovsky)104
- Chto ni stranitsa, to slon, to l’vitsa (Mayakovsky & Zdanevich)100
- Ciccì Coccò (Munari)150–151, 161–164
- collage3, 8, 13, 97, 117, 124–126, 134–141, 153,
250, 286, 291
- colonialism12, 43–56,
- concept book12, 67, 72, 255
- Constructivism8, 97–101,
103–107, 124–125, 132, 146, 155
- “Constructor” (Lissitzky)98
- country portraits171, 178–180,
- cover22, 94, 98, 100–101, 116, 127–128,
153, 155–156, 159, 178–180, 183, 246, 239, 241,
246, 260, 262, 275, 294
- Da zdravstvuet demonstratsiia byta! (Gan)101
- Dadaism8, 98, 107, 145–147,
152, 155
- Da lontano era un’isola (Munari)148–151, 159–161
- dance photography14, 190, 204
- documentary photography8, 137, 172, 182, 190–192, 195, 251, 255, 275
- dolls106, 110, 113–119, 255, 288
- Dry Victories (Jordan)291, 294
- early-concept book73–81, 87–89
- Ein Tag aus dem Kinderleben (Scherer & Engler)22–40
- Enfants du Monde (Darbois)170–186
- Eli bor i Israel (Goldberg & Riwkin-Brick)194
- Elle Kari (Jannes & Riwkin-Brick)191, 193–194,
200, 202, 254–255
- En Barndomsdag (Scherer & Engler)22–40
- En Dag af en lille Piges Liv (Scherer & Engler)23
- Erntesommer (Strittmatter & Rimkus)235
- ethnic minorities6–7, 193–194, 198, 206
- Eti Ve-Na’ama (Golomb & Farkash)260–263
- Eva möter Noriko-San (Lindgren & Riwkin-Brick)190
- Family of Man, The (Steichen)173
- family photograph72, 232–233,
- Favole al telefono (Rodari)158
- film101, 103, 108, 133, 138,
140, 176, 183, 211, 250, 258
- First Picture Book: Everyday Things for Babies, The (Steichen Calderone & Steichen)3, 7, 68–88
- First Things (Adams & Henning)87
- Fotocronache (Munari)149, 159
- Fotograferede Børnegrupper (Paetz)1
- Futurism98, 124–125,
145–147, 153,
- gaze60, 178, 198, 200, 242,
- German Democratic Republic (GDR)232–251
- Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither, The (Bishop)48
- graphic design11, 101, 124, 135, 146,
148–150, 162,
- Idzie kot (Szydłowski & Styczyński)126, 136
- Illustrations of China and Its People (Thomson)44, 47–48,
- image manipulation13, 100
- Indiens d‘Amazonie (Mazière & Darbois)177, 185
- intermediality24–25, 30, 40
- irony149, 151–153,
155, 161–162
- Jackie bor i Holland (Lindgren & Riwkin-Brick)195–196
- Katina kukla (Vvedensky)106
- Kichuś majstra Lepigliny (Porazińska)134, 140
- Kleiner Bruder Staunemann (Hüttner & Ortner)244–248, 251
- Kometa Halley’a (Lan, Janisch & Krzywobłocki)126–130
- Kwapiszon series (Butenko)135–139
- “L’enfant et le livre”173
- Lenin i komsomol’tsy (Savel’ev)95–96
- Lew koloru marchewki (Wojciechowski & Popłoński)134
- Lichtdruck (see light print)22
- Lilakh mi-kvutsat Ilanot (Yonatan & Merom)267–270
- Little Dutch Tulip Girl, The (Brandeis)175, 178
- Little Greta of Denmark (Bailey)176
- Little Jeanne of France (Brandeis)181–184
- Little Mexican Donkey Boy (Brandeis)175–176
- Little Swiss Wood Carver, The (Brandeis)176
- Little Tony in Italy (Brandeis)180, 182
- living pictures (see tableau-vivant)11, 24, 26–28, 30–32
- macchine di Munari, Le (Munari)153–155
- magazine photograph10, 192, 193–194, 204, 221
- Malerei Fotografie Film (Moholy-Nagy)147
- Masa le-erets ha-geshem (Omer & Raviv)263–265
- materiality11, 78, 86, 103, 133,
136, 145
- Materializatsiia fantastiki (Ehrenburg)98
- Matti im Wald (Beseler & Rimkus)239–243
- Metropoliten (Tarakhovskia & Prehner)113
- Miriam Lives in a Kibbutz (Edvardson & Riwkin-Brick)257
- modernism4, 8–9,
103, 144, 213
- montage (see also photomontage)7–9, 13, 96, 98,
100–113, 116,
124–132, 135,
138, 140–141, 145, 156, 160, 164,
236, 248, 250–251
- Moving and Growing (Tudor-Hart)221–225
- music24, 28–30,
220, 278, 292–294
- My Village in Israel (Sonia & Tim Gidal)257
- Natacha la petite russe (Darbois)181
- naturalism97, 105, 106, 108
- Nella notte buia (Munari)144, 148
- Neobyknovennye prikliucheniia Karika i Vali (Larri)106
- New Objectivity7, 204, 208, 257
- nonsense135, 139, 153, 161
- nostalgia12, 256–258,
- Novyi Gulliver (Ptushko)108
- O stole, który uciekł do lasu (Franciszka & Stefan Themerson)126, 131–132
- Our Little Chinese Cousin (Headland)43–47, 63
- Parana le petit indien (Darbois)177, 180–181,
- Per und Ann leben in Schweden (Orgel-Köhne & Hildebrandt)172, 233
- Pesnia o Tane (Vladimirsky & Sen’kin)101–102
- photo-based collage124, 126, 133–135, 140
- photocollage124, 126, 130, 140, 145,
152–158, 164
- photojournalism14, 190, 203, 206, 213,
- photomontage8–9, 94, 98–105, 106–108, 112,
123–127, 129–131, 140–141,
145, 147, 155, 159, 164, 183, 235,
240, 246, 250–251
- poetry28, 136, 140, 162, 287,
292, 299
- Polish School of Illustration124, 133–135
- politics210–211, 218–223, 232–250,
- portrait photography1, 190, 235
- Pościg w kurorcie (Butenko)139
- printing technology10, 45, 105
- propaganda6, 107, 125, 149, 234,
- Puteshestvie po elektrolampe (Bulatov & Lopatin)109–110
- reportage photography197–198, 200,
203–206, 208
- retouching10, 100, 110, 112–114, 117
- Romani people198, 203, 206
- romantic child image4, 12, 25, 233, 234, 243, 258–259, 262, 264–265
- Second Picture Book, The (Steichen Martin & Steichen)13, 68–69,
77, 79–80
- Sex sånger vid piano till En Barndomsdag (Löthner)28
- Shapes and Things (Hoban)82–83
- Shirat ha-agam (Merom)267
- Sia bor på Kilimandjaro (Lindgren & Riwkin-Brick)190, 200
- socialist realism9, 98, 107–108, 119,
233, 248, 250–251, 257
- solidarity7, 12, 190, 206, 256
- Stalinism97–98, 105–107, 114, 116–117
- stereotypes52–63, 88, 165, 184–185
- superrealism97–100, 106–112
- Surrealism8, 97–100,
106–107, 113,
124, 146, 250
- Sweden22–40, 172, 189–206
- tableau-vivant11, 24–31,
40, 113, 118
- text-image relationship7, 194–199
- theater27, 30–31,
135, 279
- Through China with a Camera (Thomson)47
- Tragediinaia noch’ (Bezymensky)103–104
- Trulsa hos mormor (de Laval)202
- typography133, 135, 144–148, 161
- United Kingdom (UK)210–228
- United States of America (USA)6, 56, 274–295
- utopia107, 258–259,
265, 270
- V strane Dzin’-Dzin’ (Bulatov, Kassil & Lopatin)106
- vanguard movements (see also: avant-garde)8–9, 13, 246, 250,
- Verliebt in Berlin (Beseler & Rimkus)235
- Wesoła gromadka (Butenko)140
- Weltall Erde Mensch (Kosing)234
- Weusi Alfabeti (Iman)278–286
- ”Winter or the Cold Girl” (Houdon)127
- women photographers9–10, 14, 170–186, 189–192, 203–205, 210–228,
232–234, 244
- “The Work of Art in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (Benjamin)212
- World War II12, 14, 131, 149, 171,
178, 186, 190, 210
- Yangtze Valley and Beyond, The (Bishop)48–49
- Young Pioneers233, 236, 242, 244, 248
- Zapiski poeta (Selvinsky)98